Heart Shocker

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The rest of the way back home was silent. Both of us drowning in our own thoughts and theories on what was to come.

When I turned my head to look at Felix, he was contemplating something. Hard. Like the two choices he was deciding on were two walls crushing him from each side.

His face was scrunched up in a focussed expression. His legs were crossed and his elbow was rested on the car door. The other arm was rested on his lap and his fingers were tapping a beat.

I turned back around and rested my head on the window. Dragging out a sigh I start to zone out on nothing.
We were back home again. Felix darted straight to our room but I was nervous to go in there. What if he never wanted to see me again? What if he just packed his bags and left back for London? All these thoughts were swarming in my head at once and it was killing me.

I decided it was enough and I have to man up and go in there.

I slowly push open the door and peek inside.

I saw Felix sitting at the corner at his bed. He was manspreading with his elbows on his knees. His hair was disheveled, not neat like it's usual slicked back state. I'd I had to admit— his hair looked attractive like that.

But I'd never admit that out loud.

When Felix heard me come in his head darted up to look at me.

"Hey-" I said hesitantly. What was I supposed to do?

"You never gave me a proper answer." He saids looking down at the ground.

"What?" I whisper.

"Back there- in the library- you never gave me a clear answer on if you accept my apology or not." He saids, a tad bit louder this time.

"I don't know..." I mumbled, I barely even knew if he heard me or not.

"You don't know.. You don't know?!" He lets out a chuckle.

"I don't know if I want to forgive you Felix! Ever since you stepped foot into this place it's like you always had this grudge against me." I say breathlessly "Sure you've been nice to me these past days, yeah we've become friends in some way but I don't know what you want from me!"

"What I want from you is to actually see me as someone other than 'the mean person I share a room with'!" He exclaimed. Restlessly combing his hands through his hair.

"I want you to willingly come up to me to talk, I want you to not seem burdened every time someone mentions my name, I want you to see me as someone that you don't hate, someone that you don't just tolerate because you have to!"

"I want what you and Adrien have." He stares straight into my eyes but quickly turns his head in some random direction again.

"You're always so comfortable with him, you could just waltz into his room for a sleepover and he wouldn't care. You guys could act like an oblivious couple sometimes. I'm jealous of it. I'm jealous of Adrien."

"Is this what this is about? You throwing a tantrum over your jealousy for Adrien? Over me and Adrien being friends?!" I yell. I expand my arms out to my sides before resting them on my hips.

"No- I just- god damn it!" He yells.

"What then? Say it!" I spat.

"I can't." He shook his head frantically and turned around. Starting to restlessly fumble up his blankets and pillows into his hands.

"Say. It." I demanded.

"Because I fucking love you, you imbecile!" He whips his head around to meet my eyes. "Was it that hard to realize?!" Then he dashed out of my room and down the stairs.

'What the fuck...' I stood there in shock as I was still processing what Felix had just said.

'Felix loves...me?'

'Felix loves me!'

Waves upon waves of different emotions crashed through my system. I was pissed, confused, shocked, surprised, happy?

I went to my bed and lied down under the blankets. It felt weird not having Felix here.

I wonder where he is, how he's doing.

'Y know what, screw it'

I carefully got up from my bed, careful not to make the bed frame creak. Mostly everyone in the mansion was asleep right now so I definitely didn't want to accidentally wake anyone up right now.

I grabbed one of my plushies with me for support and tip-toes my way down the hallway and down the stairs, following the same path I saw Felix take.

Assuming he was on a couch I went for the living room.

There he was, rolled up in a blanket, back facing me.

I sat down next to he's legs and shook him gently.

"Felix?.." I whisper.

"Why are you here? Go away." He firmly saids.

"I wanted to see you." I mumbled

"Please just go back to bed, Y/N, Please." He sighed.

"But I can't sleep, it's weird without you there."

I hesitate for a bit

"I want to sleep here. With you."

Silence enveloped the room and I was about to walk back to my room when I felt a pair of arms pull me into someone's chest.

I could feel Felix's shirt against my face and I tried to wiggle myself loose but his grip wouldn't loosen.

"Stop moving, you wanted this" He grunted

"But your so- close" I blurted

"This couch isn't exactly made for two people."

His chin made its way on top of my head.

He kissed my forehead before slowly falling asleep, me drifting off soon after.
Edit: I didn't like how fast it went, probably because I was writing this at 4 in the morning so I changed I few events to slow the plot down a bit.

Room for two? (Felix x reader) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now