The new guy at school

698 17 34

I woke up to the sound of nothing.



What happened to my alarm?!?

I snapped open my eyes and rushed to get dressed. I was gonna be late for school!

I rushed out of bed, violently throwing my blanket off the mattress. I put on a quick but comfortable outfit and brush my teeth while packing my bags. I didn't have time to eat breakfast.

As I practically run out the door I see Adrien waving at me through the car window. I step inside and greet the bodyguard, who only gave me a quick nod in return. I pulled out my phone and scrolled on several social medias checking my comments, likes, and posts. Even checking the lady blog before we arrived at the big entrance of our school.

I grab my stuff, plopping my headphones on my ears and walk to my first class, Mr Bustier's.

I sat alone in the back, I used to sit next to Lila before she left for her trip. But I do enjoy the silence, the constant lying crap from Lila always gave me a headache. Plus, I get an excellent view of everything going on in class, I felt like a hawk!

"Everyone I would like you to meet our new transfer student!" Ms Bustier announced, "Would you like to introduce yourself?" The voice I hear was definitely not a voice I expected to hear "My name is Felix, nice to meet you all!" A familiar voice said.

"Felix would you please go sit next to Y/n?" Ms Bustier asked, "It looks like she's the only empty seat available; Y/n will you raise your hand please?" I slowly lifted my hand up in the air, not bothering to look at the person who I really hoped wasn't actually there.

As I heard footsteps approach my seat I silently pray in my head.

'Please don't be him'

'Please don't be him'

"Hello Y/n."

'It's him.'

"Fucking hell." I mumble to myself. I can feel Felix plop down next to me and set his materials for class out on the table. 'Who takes this much stuff out for class?' I notice a tiny red glass lense peeking out from between his papers. I reach for it.

"Hey don't touch that-" He quickly flicks my hand back. "Oh so you're allowed to move my stuff around and snoop around in my drawers but I'm not allowed to see whatever that thing is?" I retort to him.

"Yeah, pretty much." He saids as he leans back in his seat. "Asshole.." I mutter loud enough for him to hear. "What did you just call me-" He irritatedly asks me. I swear I saw his eye twitch a little. "Hm? Say what now? I'm pretty sure you're hearing thing Felix! Do we need to see a doctor?" I smirk. "That's why I reset your alarm this morning." He saids. "You did what now!?" I almost yell back.

"Felix and Y/n!" I turn to see Ms Bustier looking straight at us. "Will you stop talking and please pay attention to class!" I turn from facing Felix and try to pay attention to whatever was going on in class today.

I can't believe he reset my alarm this morning! Is that why I didn't wake up? Why would he do it? Was me asking my him to give me space to annoying for him? These thoughts roamed my mind for the remainder of class before we switched to study hall.

"Y/n wait up!"

"I swear to god- Felix I don't wan-"

"What do you mean, I'm not Felix!"

I turn around to find Adrien and Nino jogging down the hall to catch up with me. "Sorry guys, Felix was just being irritating today. Are you guys doing okay?" I ask apologeticly. They told me about their day and talked about todays assignments. I invited Adrien to come study with me in the library, since we're already nearing where I needed to go for study hall. He declined and said he had plans with Marinette and his other friends so I'm stuck alone in the library today.
I woke up to the loud ringing of the school bell.

Did I fall asleep again? I need to get rid of that habit.

I grab my bag and head to my last class, Ms Mendeleev's. Now that class I don't mind sleeping in, I'm not fond of the teacher and I'm already excelling in science.

"Y/n can you please show the new student where to sit?" I heard Ms Mendeleev's voice call out to me as I walk into class.

I sigh.

I didn't feel like dealing with Felix right now, it's enough I have to see him all throughout this week in my room but also at school?! Give me a break.

"Sure, Felix let's go." I wave a finger over to him and walk to my seat and point to an empty spot in the corner of the room. He looks confused. "Aww, miss sitting next to me already?" I say to him with with a sarcastic pout, "Well to bad." I smirk and turn back to my desk.
I was busy taking notes when I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I look around to see if anyones watching before taking it out to look at the notification.

'An unknown number?'

I looked close and read it.

Unknown: 'Had enough of me already, dear?'

You: 'Who is this? How did you get my         

Unknown: 'It's Felix. And let's just say I have my ways.'

I let out a sigh and look across my shoulder to see Felix already looking in my direction. I squint my eyes in annoyance.

"Y/n eyes in the board!" I heard Ms Mendeleev yell. I quickly turn back around. Though another vibration brought my attention to another message on my phone.

Unknown: 'You just can't take your eyes off me can you?'

You: 'In your dreams, Felix.'

Unknown: 'Rude of you to assume I dream of such things.'

Before I could type a response he had already sent another message.

Unknown: 'I would pay attention to class if I were you. Wouldn't want your precious phone taken away now do we?'

I quickly look up to Ms Mendeleev to see her staring right at me. Signaling for me to hand over my phone. I slowly stand up and walk over to her desk, placing my phone on it faced down. Then I walk back to my seat, glaring at Felix all the way there.
No note today, very tired though
Bye guys

Room for two? (Felix x reader) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now