The day after

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The next day I tried to forget about the possibility of Felix being in my dreams.

I tried everything to distract me!
Homework, friends, social media, reading, video games, you name it.

But no matter how hard I tried it still managed to creep in from the back of my mind.

I know I'm overreacting because like, who cares? It's just a dream! But I don't like this kid. Plus- if he ever found out I'd be dead of him teasing me about it.

I decided to ride my bike to the park to clear my head a bit.

When I walked in my room after school I grabbed my boots and a coat and quickly stumbled outside, I didn't bother to say hello to Felix.

I grabbed my bike that was resting on the porch stairs and steered out of the metal gates.

I closed my eyes as I let the breeze carry away my thoughts into the air. I felt my hair blow out of my face as I peddled faster.

I saw Luka across the street on his bike and decided to say hello. So I waited till there were no cars and drove to his side of the road.

"Hey Luka!" I said. He stumbled back a little bit, he seemed to be distracted with something.

I peered over his phone to see a text message conversation.

"Who are you texting?" I asked "Is it Marinette?~" I always knew about his crush on Marinette, I was one of the first ones to know. He told me about how their relationship was going and to my guess, it's going quite well between the two of them.

Me and Luka have been friends since I came to Paris, we met at the bridge just over the canal where his boat was parked. We were both riding around town on our bikes and he invited me to watch his band 'Kitty Section' practice. That's how I met everyone else, besides school of course.

If I had to be honest, I would say I developed some small feelings for Luka. But I would never admit it now, since he has this whole thing going on with Marinette and such. She is one lucky lady.

"No it was just some friend I met recently, we were giving each other love advice." He replied calmly.

"I'm glad things are going well between you and Marinette!" I smile gently at him.

"Yeah, I really like her. She makes my heart play this unrecognizable melody that I just want to listen to forever." He hums.

"Yeah.." I say softly

I continue speaking with Luka when a boy with blond slicked back hair crosses the street towards us.

"Shoot! Okay um- Luka gotta dash! Cant say why- just- um- Bye!" I quickly hug Luka for a second before getting on my bike and riding away from the two boys.

I stopped by my old apartment complex. I contemplated whether or not to stay there for the night or not.

'Eh screw it'

I text Natalie to bring me a backpack of stuff and my school bag and to meet me outside of the building.

When I walk inside my old apartment I'm surprised to see everything well kept and neat, it's been months since I've been back to this place.

I plop down on my bed and scroll through social media waiting for Natalie to get here with my stuff when I see a notification at the top of my screen.

'Why the fuck would Felix be texting me?'

I swipe up on the notification and decide to ignore it when another one pops up a few seconds later.

Felix 👾: 'Why are you ignoring me?'

Room for two? (Felix x reader) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now