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Gentle Bones standing in line for a Bobby Sawyer meet up. An anteater wearing a red dress shirt and black vest with a black bowtie as well as white trousers held up by a black leather belt stands in front of Gentle Bones as he excitedly waits in line.

Gentle Bones asks, "Are you here to fuck Bobby Sawyer too?"

"Oh yes. I'm very excited to be here. You're a fan of Bobby Sawyer? I am too, my name is Garrett by the way," the anteater answers.

Gentle Bones shakes his hand and says, "I'm Gentle Bones and you seem more excited."

"Bobby is just so perfect, I'm just anxious to meet her. I spend four hours every night watching her online," Garrett replies.

Gentle Bones remarks, "You must be really good at typing with one hand."

Garrett chuckles then asks, "So you must find her hot too, right?"

Gentle Bones says, "Right!"

"She's very attractive," Garrett remarks.

Gentle Bones asks, "I don't know how she doesn't realize what her actions do to people, you know?"

"She's very naïve and self-conscious, it makes her even cuter," Garrett remarks.

Gentle Bones says, "I know right!? I heard she was raised in a barn by cannibal serial killers."

"It's strange to say that someone raised like that has such an innocent quality about her," Garrett says.

Gentle Bones says, "That's exactly the thing, they wouldn't let her learn anything so she'd be groomed into being a cannibal serial killer too."

"And now she's the hottest camgirl female streamer, funny how life works, right?" Garrett asks.

"She is the hottest! Can you believe unicorns are real and so hot?" Gentle Bones asks.

"Unicorns are so hot and she's the sexiest of them all," Garrett says.

"Look here!" Gentle Bones says, "It's her!"

Garrett turns his head to see Bobby Sawyer. There she is. Garrett smiles wide and waves excitedly at Bobby.

Gentle Bones shouts, "Fuck me, Bobby!"

Gentle Bones holds up a sign and cheers.

"I love you, Bobby!! Please have sex with me!" Garrett shouts and cheers too.

They are held back as Bobby Sawyer goes to the front of the line.

Garrett turns to Gentle Bones. Garrett, excitedly asks, "Do you think Bobby saw us?! I think she did!"

Gentle Bones says, "I hope she accidentally trips and her trench coat opens to let us see her boobs."

"And if I help her up, she'll want to have sex with me for being such a nice guy," Garrett says.

Gentle Bones says, "Not if I get there first!"

Gentle Bones tries to cut in line, Garrett tries to cut too. They are taken out of the event for bad behavior.

Gentle Bones tells Garrett, "I blame you for this."

"You cut first, so it's your fault. I just followed. Now what?" Garrett asks.

Gentle Bones says, "I wouldn't have been caught if you hadn't pushed tha... Never mind. Let's just go home."

Garrett asks, "Can I come over to your place? Just see what it's like?"

Gentle Bones asks, "Like I let you into my house. You could be a seri... Are you a serial killer?"

"No, but I'll be honest, my dad kinda kicked me out the house. I just need a place to stay for a day or two," Garrett says.

Gentle Bones says, "Sure, I hope you are okay with sleeping on the couch."

"Thank you. I promise I'll only be two days at most, I got a job interview in a few days and I'll stay in my van until I can afford a hotel," Garrett says.

Gentle Bones says, "Thanks but you are allowed to stay as long as you need."

"Thanks so much," Garrett says with a smile and gestures for Gentle Bones to lead the way.

Gentle Bones is walking to her apartment, Garrett follows.

Gentle Bones, The Lover of VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now