Joseph Keegan

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Gentle Bones is standing, waiting for the cars to stop passing so she can cross

A 1968 Chevrolet Camaro pulls up, a male smooth collie with white and brown fur wearing a brown button shirt and jeans, looks at Gentle Bones through his car window.

The dog asks, "Did you need a ride somewhere?"

Gentle Bones says, "Sure, I was going to the Correctional Facility."

"'Oh, alright," the dog says.

Gentle Bones chuckles to the stranger and asks, "And who are you?"

"You can call me Joseph Keegan," the dog answers. Joseph begins driving toward Aster City Correctional Facility.

Gentle Bones says, "Name's Gentle Bones."

"Nice to meet you, Gentle Bones. Any reason you're going to Aster City Correctional Facility?" Joseph asks while driving.

"I heard they have serial killers and villains in there that I could screw," Gentle Bones answers.

"Ah, so you're like one of those fangirls," Joseph says as he continues to drive east toward Aster City Correctional Facility.

Gentle Bones says, "The fangirls want to be submissive. I want to dominate."

Joseph Keegan says, "Before you go. I want to remind you there will be men in there that will kill you with no consideration. So be careful. Remember that."

Gentle Bones is laughing, she holds up a sword and says, "I think we're evenly matched."

"It seems that I underestimated you. But I don't mean you any harm, lower that sword," Joseph says.

Gentle Bones puts it away and says, "Don't worry, I only did that as a display."

Joseph says, "But it's smart to have self-defense, though I'm not sure if you can have a sword inside unless you hide it, I hope you stay safe in Aster City Correctional Facility."

Gentle Bones says, "You know, you'd think they'd be able to find it just by looking but they never find all of them."

Joseph remarks, "The cops, including the security, are really bad in Aster City recently."

Gentle Bones says, "I've noticed and I'm new in town."

"Corruption and incompetence. I know one of the cops was recently exposed as a crazy who shot the girlfriend of her ex-boyfriend, and they once sieged a guy's house for eleven days because he failed to appear in court....when they gave him the wrong court date. I've been prepping in case the government takes over," Joseph says.

Gentle Bones says, "A takeover, eh?"

"Don't tell anyone in the government but I've been stockpiling weapons," Joseph says as he continues driving.

Gentle Bones says, "I don't only have swords either but I doubt you have a gumball machine gun."

"Nope, just military-grade guns and some explosives," Joseph says.

"..." She is silent.

"It's war, people are being oppressed," Joseph continues, unaware he's making Gentle Bones uncomfortable.

"I went to prison when I was a child because I looked like someone else. I think you are talking about me," Gentle Bones says.

"My mother had me when she was fourteen. My stepdad abused me. I was going to do it different. My religion has more than guns, it has God," Joseph says.

Gentle Bones says, "I've met gods. They are kinda cruel."

"That's blasphemy," Joseph responds.

Gentle Bones, pulling out a mirror, asks, "Want to meet them?"

"The Bible is our hope and strength. Every day I talk to God," Joseph responds.

Gentle Bones selects something on the mirror as she looks into it, Joseph slows the car as he turns to look at Gentle Bones and the mirror. A bright light increases until it consumes him and the car, then there's fucking Zeus. Actually Zeus.

Joseph stares up at Zeus and he says, "What...the...fuck. He's-he's not the true god."

Zeus says, "I can't believe you defeated me, a God among Gods, then you bring a Christian ✝️ 🙏 here."

Gentle Bones suggests, "You aren't the only gods you know."

Joseph feels a shiver go up his spine.

Zeus says to Gentle Bones, "I hate you."

Gentle Bones says to Zeus, "I can still defeat you."

Joseph says to Gentle Bones, "Can we go? I don't want to be here."

Joseph looks up at Zeus in awe.

Gentle Bones says, "Yes we can."

"Let's go," Joseph says and waits for Gentle Bones to get them back.

A light consumed them, then they were back

Joseph appears wide-eyed in shock while sitting in the driver's seat. Joseph says, "...Maybe I should give up the religious group and pursue a music career..."

Gentle Bones says, "You can worship, just don't be an asshole?"

Joseph Keegan asks, "...Zeus is real?!"

Gentle Bones tells Joseph, "That isn't the only god."

"How many gods are there?" Joseph asks.

Gentle Bones says, "However many I think there is, there's more."

"..." Joseph is speechless as his entire religious worldview is smashed into particles. Joseph shakes his head and drives to Aster City Correctional Facility.

Gentle Bones, The Lover of VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now