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"Oh hey there," Gentle Bones greets.

A stag with blonde hair and hazel eyes, wearing a blue suit with brown tie, smiles as he approaches Gentle Bones. The stag asks, "Hello there, miss~ What's your name?"

Gentle Bones introduces, "Gentle Bones, you are?"

The stag introduces, "You may call me Xander. Pleasure to meet you, Miss Bones."

"Pleasure to meet you as well," Gentle Bones says.

"Miss, do you have any reservations for dinner tonight?" Xander asks.

Gentle Bones says, "Oh..."

Gentle Bones frowns and continues, "Unfortunately, no. My date hasn't shown up. I think he blew me off."

"Men these days aren't gentlemen. Would you take me up on an offer to a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant?" Xander asks.

"Yes," Gentle Bones goes to him and continues, "I miss the days of gentlemen killers. Ones that could seduce a lady."

Xander smiles and holds Gentle Bones gently by the arm while leading the way to Casanova's, the fanciest restaurant this side of the state.

Gentle Bones smiles and says, "You didn't reject the implications you were a serial killer, I like that in a man. Tell me. Are you?"

Xander whispers in Gentle Bones' ear, "I'll be honest with you, I am."

Gentle Bones, whispering in a lusting tone, "I want to make love to you."

"We will, my dear, after a delicious meal," Xander whispers back, then arrives at Casanova's and enters with Gentle Bones because he has a reservation, finding a table. Xander says, "Order whatever you would like."

Gentle Bones looks over the menu then responds, "I'll have...lobster. Just to be adventurous. Do you think we should have champagne or vodka together?"

"Champagne, my dear. And I'll have the filet mignon," Xander answers Gentle Bones.

Xander summons a waiter and says to the waiter, "The lady will have lobster and I will have the filet mignon, we'll share champagne."

The waiter leaves to get the order.

Gentle Bones asks, "I don't drink much. In fact, I've never drank. But surely you have, right?"

"Occasionally in celebration or a little wine with a good meal," Xander answers.

"You are truly a gentleman, sir. I've never met a man like you. Truly," Gentle Bones says.

Xander responds, "You flatter me."

The waiter comes back with lobster, filet mignon, and champagne. Xander says to the waiter, "Thank you."

Gentle Bones tells the waiter, "We appreciate it."

Gentle Bones says to Xander, "I flatter you because it's true."

Xander smiles from the praise and politely begins eating his meal. Gentle Bones is cracking open her lobster and sucks the meat out. Xander continues cutting his meat and eating it politely.

Gentle Bones continues eating her lobster 🦞, stops, wipes mouth and asks, "You are so kind, would you like champagne? 🍾"

"Sure, my dear," Xander extends his cup to the glass of champagne.

Gentle Bones carefully opens the bottle, then pours some for him. Xander raises his glass in a toast and says, "Thank you, my dear. A toast to our date."

Gentle Bones fills her our glass then toasts. Xander smiles and then slowly sips the champagne.

Gentle Bones drinks a bit, stops and says, "So, our meal is almost done."

"But our night is only beginning," Xander responds with a smile.

"Of course, you and I have plans. Yet I have questions, are you actually interested in me? You are everything a man should be and especially a gentleman should be...Yet, I can't help but feel you aren't all here. Is there something troubling you?"

"I am actually interested in you. If you ask if I'm 'all here', I was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. I'm here in the moment but I'm probably not connecting with you as you expect. Do you want to know my motives?" Xander asks.

"I do, and I apologize for not being considerate. I had no idea," Gentle Bones says.

"It's alright, you couldn't have known," Xander starts whispering, "The reason that I'm a serial killer is to record after each killing and confess, I'm going to hook my mother up with an exclusive book deal. I shouldn't have been born so I might as well get famous enough to benefit my mother, even at the expense of some attractive misses."

"I feel like you being such a wonderful man is good enough reason for you to exist even if you kill," Gentle Bones holds his hand and says, "I know you can't connect to me, but believe my words."

Xander holds Gentle Bones' hand tenderly. "I'll choose to believe you," Xander responds as he gives a sweet smile to Gentle Bones. Gentle Bones gives a gentle smile and says, "I appreciate you believing me despite the obvious. Thank you for that."

"You're welcome, my dear. Shall we head to your place or my place next?" Xander asks. Gentle Bones asks, "Do you have a place to go to?"

"I have a nice place, a cozy and warm home," Xander answers. Gentle Bones kisses his nose and says, "I want to go to your place."

Xander smiles from the kiss, writes a check with a nice tip, and leads the way to his house.

Gentle Bones, The Lover of VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now