chapter 10: Coming Clean to Your Best Friend is Alwasy the Way to Go

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"Uncle... why don't you go hunting with daddy?" I asked in my high childish voice, I was petting my young shadow fox, a gift from my father. A shadow fox was a low level demon with the power to blend into shadows, only my clan can see through its camoflauge.

"Because, sweetie, I don't believe what they do is right, they kill any demon they come across. They don't even stop to think if the poor creature did anything wrong." My Uncle Sato rested a big, meaty hand on my head, he russled my hair playfully.

I screeched joyfully, "Uuuuuncle you ruind my hair! It took auntie so long to braid it." I fussed, not really meaning it, my auntie loved to braid and style my long black hair. She said it reminded her of my mothers hair. My auntie, from my fathers side, became best friends with my mother when she met her. My mother's family couldn't live with us, it was against the rules. My mother had cut her hair off to a pixie cut when she married my father, he liked short hair and she would do anything to please him.

"Then go find your auntie and have her redo it." he smiled down at me.

"Ok!" I grinned and skipped off, my 4 year old legs clumsy and wobbly.

After having my auntie braid my hair all over again I made my way back to the sitting room but stopped in my tracks. I let out the shrillest screech.

My uncle stood, wild eyes, holding my young shadow fox in his large hands. Its neck was broken. My uncles usual dark blue eyes were bright orange, his pupil was scarlet red and pulsating.

"It scratched me, the little devil scratched me...." he was mumbling over and over again.

My auntie rushed in and all the color drained from her face. "Oh dear...Aoi go get your father....go dear go as fast as you can." she nudged me out of the doorway, I dashed yelling my fathers name over and over again.

After my father took my uncle away, I was left to bury my precious friend.

I never saw my uncle again.


I woke up to my teacher slaming a yard stick just inches from my hand.

"Wake up miss Kasei!" she scolded

"Gomen, I was up late studying for a test." I yawned and turned my attention to he board

"You are a stellar student, and a magnificent athlete. All in all a gift from god to have you at our Academy. I will let it slide just this once, Do not let it happen again." she glared at me

I looked up at her with my most innocent look and smiled, "Hai."

"Now class, let us continue with the structure of an atom..." I zoned off, already knowing this all.


I trudged out of the class as the bell rang, I made my way to the Cram School

"Where do you think you're going, Aoi?" I cringed as my best friend came into view, she was leaning against a tree with her arms crossed.

"Cram School?" I tried, but we both knew I couldn't lie to her.

"Yeah, no. I believe you owe me an explanation." She pushed off the tree and walked up to me, her eyes softening and her frown washed off her face, she looked at me like something was paining her. "Aoi... I've known you for more then a decade.... We've been best friends since the moment we meet, nearly sisters... and yet I know nothing about your past before you came to live with me and my family... Please, Aoi... Don't you trust me?" Izumo pleaded she grabbed my hands and tears welled up in her eyes, reveling her feelings that shes kept inside all these years... I knew she was curious... I just didn't know how much it hurt her that I havnt told her about my past...and my clan.

The Girl Who Fell In Love With Satan's Son (Blue Exorcist fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora