Chapter 1: Reunion

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Blue flames leapt around us as we ran through the forest, I was coughing unbearably, gagging as smoke found its way down my throat, scorching it. I was aware of someones hand in mine.

"Keep up, Aoi!" Rin Okumura's voice urged me to keep my legs moving, but wasn't this his fault? Isn't he the son of Satan? No matter what my practical mind tells me to do, I still trust him, and that he'll get me out of here! "We're almost there, just hang on!" Alarm filled his voice, I tried to answer him but I only sucked in more smoke and could only cough and gag in response.

"R-Rin whats going on? Who are you really?" I finally managed to croak, struggling against the bile rising in my throat. Explosions broke out behind us, beside us at distances that were growing uncomfortably closer.

"I'll explain later, just focus on getting out alive and unharmed!" He yelled, that smoke and fire having no effect on him proved my point even more. He was the son of Satan.

I resisted another coughing fit, I could barely see Rin's stark black spiky hair, or his soot covered uniform. Just as an explosion of blue fire appeared, the force of in sent me flying, as slammed into my side against a hard surface. A tree? The ground? I don't know. I cried out in pain as we both tumbled to the ground. My side throbbing harder as Rin pulled me to my feet and continued to run. More explosions bombed behind us, until one go lucky. Slamming just a hair's breathe next to us , the force tearing Rin's hand from mine, and sent me flailing, I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for impact. When it did the pain was excruciating. My whole body was numb with agony. I prayed that it would end. Then, everything started to ebb away, as I felt myself drift away. Darkness crawled at the edges of my eyes, my eyelids feeling so, so heavy, I couldn't resist anymore, I gave into the Darkness.


                     BEFORE THE WILDFIRE (1 MONTH EARLIER)

"Aoi! Aoi Honou Kasei! Get your lazy ass up!" Izumo Kamiki's voice ripped me from my dreamless sleep. Izumo was my best friend, since we've grown up together. She was so scared of demons that she would breakdown when she saw one, no matter where she was. Since she was teased for it I helped her through it, now she's cold and distant around others, but with me she's the bossy, confident, witty, smart-ass girl, but she only gives out kindness when she finds someone worthy of it.

"Eh?" I say intelligently, trying to rub the sleep from my eyes.

"What are we going to do with you?" she asks to no one, shaking her head, "We have class in 20 minutes." She states tossing me my clean uniform, I nearly fall out of bed.

"What?!?" I screech, ripping off my pink bunny flannel pj's and tugging on my uniform, "We're going to be so late!" I rush to the bathroom to freshen myself.

"Yeah, yeah, just hurry I'm gonna hunt down some breakfast, see you in homeroom." she calls after me slipping out to door, before I can give her lip.

"Ugh!" I grunt in frustration, I rip off my shirt to stretch my wings.

Yes, you heard me correctly, WINGS. Stark black, with strikes of iridescent purple, blue, and green. I stretch them till they connect with the wall behind me. Sigh, have a pair of 10 foot wings are hard to hide, I can only release them when I fly at night, or in Exorcism class. OMG! I forgot I was transferring to Rin Okumura's Exorcism class today! Yes! I quickly flatten my wings against my back, and pull on my shirt. Allowing my waist length blackish-blue hair fall down my back, immediently covering any trace of wings.

I star into the mirror as I brush my teeth, my blue eyes starred back at me, deep and lovely as the ocean. Memories of my parents and clan, flowed into my mind. Pushing them back and trying to keep my face from showing emotion I finished up, grabbed my bag, and flew out the door. Not flew as in fly with my wings, just ran fastly.

I took to the stairs 4 at a time, and sliding down the rail. I spotted Izumo's purple-black pigtails, as she left the cafe on campus. "Iz-chan!" I called out to her as someone yelled, "Eyebrows!" I turned to its source only to find Rin Okumura looking right at me with the same confusion as me. I was so shock that I nearly fell on my face when the rail ended, I stumbled slightly, but big, rough, strong hands steadied me. I looked up to find Yukio Okumura steady me, mutual concern written on his face.

"Are you ok, Kasei-san?" He asked, his deep voice rumbling.

"Hai, Arigato, Okumura-sama." I bowed but mumbled so he could only hear me, "Or should I call you Okumura-sensei?" I gave him a sly smile.

"No, not at all. But we are eager for you to join are class." He answered with out missing a beat.

"Well, what happened to the boy who was so scared of demons that he had his twin brother, come save him?" I pouted, widening my blue eyes, the picture of innocence.

"He grew up, as did you, Aoi. I've missed you greatly." He smiled and we hugged. I heard gasps ring out around us.

"Yukio, I thought you didn't recognize me! I've missed you so much!" I beam up at him. "I haven't seen you since I was taller then you. Man, you've sprouted up some." I look up at him, he's at least a head and a half taller then me. I grew up in the Southern Cross Monastery, along with the Okumura twins, before someone adopted me. I was abandoned by my parents and Shirō Fujimoto took me in and raised me, till Izumo's parents heard about me and brought me into her family when I was 8.

"So it's been 7 years. Rin will have missed you." He said with a grim smile, I cock my head and furrow my brow, not understanding why his looks troubled when he speaks of Rin.

"I will have missed who?" Rin's voice startles me as he approaches. I jump and spin to find him looking at us, no recognition in his eyes, my heart throbs painfully.

"Rin, this is Aoi Kasei. Do you remember her? Father Fujimoto took her in when we were all young, but she was adopted when we were 8." Yukio explains smoothly, as if teaching a lesson to a toddler. Rin turns to look at me and what he says next makes my vein pop in anger.

"Oh yeah mean that ugly, scraggly, small fry that was on the streets?" He asks Yukio, I hiss in anger and knock a punch upside the head.

"Baka! I haven't seen you in 7 years and this is how you greet me?! And I was taller then you!" I yell, then spin on my heel and dash off, seething. That baka! I can't believe him! There's no way I like him, not anymore!

I yelp when I see the clock, Damn I'm late for first hour, I hope Rin's late too, that idiot.


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