Chapter 9: Snatched from the hallway....stupid creepers...

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I struggled with all my might againest the hands, I finally broke away, or really they threw me againest a wall/floor.

I looked up and glared, "Ichiro..." I growled, he was in all black and he had a partner this time, dressed in all black with a mask on as well.

"Hello, sister dearest. It's nice to see you so soon." he smiled mockingly down at me. He sent a kick into my ribs, I flinched and glared up at him, getting another kick in my other side, Did I just here a crack?

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snarled and tried to get up but his eyes held me here, Damn that skill!

"Just visiting and showing my close friend how lovely you are." he motioned to his 'friend'.

I finally broke through his hold and lunged at him, fire bursting from my hand and flying at my so-called brother. He narrowly dodged it and jumped back.

"Ah ah ah....wouldn't want to burn down your schools dorm would you? Plus you'd hurt you dearest friend, she's lovely by the way too." he motioned to Izumo, who was tied and gagged to a chair across the room.

My fire instantly died away, my blood ran cold. "What the hell did you do to her?!?" I snarled, imagining how good it would feel to punch him right now.

"Just showd her how much stronger and skilled I am then you." he smirked at her,s he flinched away from his look, she smiled evilly at this.

I lunged again, planning to smash my fist into his fact but his partner jumped in front of me, his eyes were black, no pupil and no iris. It was strange he didn't seem evil, he didn't look like he wanted to be there at all. But he took a punch, my punch, for Ichiro. This is so strange....

The parner looked at me then threw his fist into my face in return, knocking me across the room again. Damn he had a good swing...

I stood up and whipped the blood off my chin.

"Get out before I kill you both and hang you out my window to dry and rot!" I growled lowly, flexing my fingers, my knuckles were split and bleeding from punching the guys face.

"I was just on my way out when you decided to join us, but I've decided to tell you my message." he smirked.

"You can't escape your bloodline, we were meant to do what we were born to do. There is no running or hiding anymore. You don't want what happend to your favorite Uncle to happen to you do you? Would you go insane to stay away from your bloodline? Father is very angry that you've joined the Exorcists. You don't need them, all you need is to come home." his face was somber and serious.

"I can kill demons as an Exorcist. I don't need you or your brutal ways. I have my own life and way of living it so BUTT OUT!" I shouted.

"Well then I guess your not interested in finding Haru....poor little trooper...I bet his misses his mommy and big sissy." he smirked.


"What do you know about Haru?!?" I asked frantically, not caring that I'm stepping into his web.

"In time, little one, only in time." he smiled at me, this smile didn't hold evil, or mocking....just a was weird seeing it again. And my nickname he used when I was small, what in the nutcracker is going on?!? Does Father and him really want me back in the family?

He disappeared out the window along with his silent partner, Well that was weird especially that guy...

I turned to Izumo and slowly pulled the gag out of her mouth, careful not to hurt her more then she was. She was brusied and tiny cuts littered her face and arms.

"Gomen, Izumo. I never wanted this to happen." I said sadly, untying her wrists and ankles.

She looked at me, "Your brothers a dick" she spat and glared out the window.

"You're not mad at me?!?" I stared at her with wide eyes.

"Of course not you can't control that jerk's actions." She looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "But I do want an explaination for this 'bloodline' and what it has to do with demons and Exorcists." she demanded coolly. I had to laugh.

"Yeah, I will after we get you cleaned and patched up. You look like you got into a fight with a pokey bush."

I heard footsteps pounding from the hallway, before a frantic Rin burst though the door.

"Why the hell did Ichiro just jump out of your window?!? Are you guys alright?!?" he shouted eying me and Izumo.

"I'm fine, Izumo got the worst of it." I said grimly, helping her into our small bathroom and pulled out a first aid kit and got to work bandaging her cuts.

"Why the hell was he here?" he asked as he watched me with worried eyes.

"To warn me about the effects of my bloodline, and to taunt me about my missing brother." I growled and glared at nothing as I worked on Izumo, who was silently watching me with an raised eyebrow.

"Hey, your bleeding..." Rin stepped forward but then looked down and stepped back.

"Yeah the jerk got a few kicks in, and his partner has a good swing." I commented sourly.

"You'll need help too..." he said.

"I told you I'm fine, I heal fast, tomorrow I will barely have a bruise." I shrugged and hissed in pain at my ribs.

Dick must've busted my ribs...

"You do realize I'm not letting you stay in here alone?" he growled

I blushed at his protectivness but keep working, "I'm fine, I can take care of myself, plus Izumo is here." I returned and almost shrugged then thought better of it.

"I don't care, you're stayin with me, and Izumo is staying with her friend from cram school." he nodded and said this in the 'and-this-is-final-voice'.

Ha, thats cute he thinks he's the boss of me.

"Seriously, I'm fine." I said, not meeting either of there eyes, busing myself with packing up the kit and putting it away. I searched in the cabinet and finally found out jumbo bottle of tylenol. I handed 2 pills and a glass of water to her. She swallowed them gratfully.

"Get packed, you're not staying here." he argued

I sighed, "Fine, only for a little while." I helped Izumo pack and after a half hour of packing, I decided to clean up the mess Ichiro left behind. Under my pillow I found a note.


Dear Aoi,

You don't have long till you notice the side effects...come back and you won't have to worry about hurting anyone close to you.

Father wants you to know that the sooner you come back, the sooner you can see our little tike.

Sincerely, Ichiro


I stuffed it hurriedly in my pocket.

What bullshit, I know no one who was a demon, much less friends with any. They're horrible. I hate them.

"Ready?" Rin asked, I smiled and nodded.

I walked out the door and Rin took my hand and we walked down the hallway, the further I was away from that room the less pressure I felt on my shoulders.

He can't be serious? Bargaining with Haru, Kaito has him....unless....NO DON'T THINK LIKE THAT!!! Kaito and Haru are safe, more then me and my friends her are....



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