Ep - 7

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After few days

Felix : Y/n welcome to my workplace... "With wide smile"

Y/n : Wow Felix this place is really nice... A huge room ... "Widened eyes"

Felix's apartment is a huge which is suitable for work also he took Y/n to his working room where two working tables with chairs and a 3 seating couch and everything useful for working...

Y/n : Shall we start working then...?
Felix : Oh sure... Here I'll bring the materials...

Both started working and they have been working from 3 hours and eventually designed for one apartment unit Felix got tired ...

Felix : Y/n am tired I'll go and make us sone coffee... You want ..?
Y/n : Yeah sure...

Felix went to kitchen and preparing coffee and came back to their working room and handed coffee to Y/n ... Both finished their coffee and got back to work again ...

Y/n : Felix I ran out of black sketch ...
Felix : Wait I'll get you one ...
Y/n : No tell me where's it... I'll go...
Felix : Ok... You see the room infront of you... And there's a cupboard and first shelf...
Y/n : ok...

"Y/n headed to that room and that's when Felix"

Felix : I forgot ruler... Y/n... Oh she can't hear I'll just go...

"Felix headed to that same room and that's when Y/n is coming out and accidentally Felix bumped Y/n and pinned her to the wall ... Their eyes met... Both looking into each others eyes... Felix is slowly moving his head to kiss Y/n... They were almost about to kiss... That's when Y/n got a call... They realized what they were doing and Felix backed off immediately and Y/n took out her mobile from pocket and it's Chan... Felix saw that..."

Felix : Ahh this guy always interrupts...

Y/n : Shall we go and continue our work...
Felix : Ye...yeah sure let's go...

"They completed their work and it's almost dinner time... They stopped their work and Y/n was about to leave..."

Y/n : Bye Felix I'll go...
Felix : Hey wait I'll drop you...
Y/n : It's ok I can go ...
Felix : No no... Let's go together and let's have dinner...
Y/n : B...but
Felix : No buts let's go ...

"Felix handed helmet to Y/n and Y/n wore that helmet and sat back of his bike"

Felix : Don't hold my jacket hold me tighter or you'll fell down...
Y/n : O...ok...

"Felix started his motor bike and going in speed ... Y/n was hesitant to hold Felix from back but the speed Felix is going Y/n automatically hugged Felix tighter and when she hugged him a smirk formed on Felix's face... Felix stopped his bike and said Y/n to get down... She's still closed her eyes..."

Felix : Y/n ssi...
Y/n : Ah... Yes ... I will...

"Y/n got down from bike and both went inside a restaurant and had their dinner... Felix dropped Y/n at her home... Y/n got a feeling that this time Felix behaviour towards her is really different... And when she remembered the moment they were almost about to kiss and how Chan's call interrupted them... Her cheeks got red like tomato...  Her feelings again growing for Felix ... Meanwhile Felix is only thinking about Y/n... How to confess her or he got a feeling that is she has same feelings towards him like him... He wanted to know that first... But how?? "

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