M|| Lyan

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Name:Lyan {pronounced Lion}

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Name:Lyan {pronounced Lion}

Age: 243

Gender: Male

Preferred Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: straight

Species: Demon

Abilities: stronger than a human, slightly faster than a human, very agile

Weaponry: daggers,

Social Title: lol

Likes: Being able to relax, sleeping, pretty girls, not having to do a lot, gambling.

Dislikes: Being made to do things, his sleep getting interrupted,

Personality: lazy, quite rude, selfish

Want romance y/n: y

Family: He doesn't talk to them. Too much drama.

Background: not much, did assassination work, pretty good at it.

Occupation: Assassin for hire

Looks: ↓plus some scars 6'3"

Kinks: pulling hair, spanking, master/slave

Peen size: know what. Use your imagination. Sksksksk

Anything else you feel necessary: 👀

Scenario: In town, in a small village between the portal to hell, and back, where many different species consistently wandered through. There was a commotion in the center, a circle forming around. You push your way through, to see a demon man arguing at a stall with a large burly orc man.— Something about the orc man's daughter.

Ahhh~~! (RP)(INDIVIDUAL) $mütty OPENWhere stories live. Discover now