The Professor

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Name: Darren Mile

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Name: Darren Mile

Nickname: Dar {Dare}

Age: 36

Occupation: Medical College Professor , Part Time Nurse


To students and strangers: Serious, a bit of a stick in the mud, comes off easily annoyed.

Around people he's comfortable with: he still has that serious stick in the mud vibe, but it's loosened quite a bit, and he'll even be up for doing dumb dangerous things.

People he'd be dating: A mix of the two, above, but also very loving, a bit clingy like he's desperate for love.

He's not necessarily a vegetarian, but he doesn't like the taste or texture of most meats. He'll still eat them, but very rare he has meats in his home. — Will however not touch bacon.

Anyone ages 18-45 is who Darren will date.

He's bi, with a very very strong female lean. — He's one of those bi’s whose never actually dated someone of the same gender but absolutely will, and absolutely is bi.

Fun fact I feel like adding: a past girlfriend most definitely has pegged him.

Dom or Sub: switch

Darren doesn't hate his jobs, but he doesn't necessarily love them either. Half of his actions are completely autopilot. — What he does like is spreading knowledge, and the ability to help people.

He despises, and absolutely loathes people who think they're greater than someone just because of a social status. And will state as such.

Turn ons and Turn offs:

The yeses: Roughness, verbal degrading, exhibitionism, either being called daddy, or master, receiving a bit of pain,+whatever I think of later, and whatever your character is into

Turn offs: anything too gross or questionable

Scenario A:
You recently gotten an F, a 0% on your most recent test. Darren had dismissed his class, and you were mentally  flipping your shit. Finally, after only you and Darren were alone, you go up to talk to him about your grade. —You?

Scenario B: You had a pretty bad fever, and decided to go to a near clinic. When you got there, got your information cleared, and finally were called back by a nurse. It was Darren, he was polite yet seemed distanced. Going through the usual questions. Upon entering the examination room, came the awkward questions. “Are you sexually active? ”

Scenario C:

You asked out your college professor. And quite surprisingly he said yes. — Since he was usually such a stick in the mud, stickler about rules. Him saying yes, was completely unexpected. However, for the sake of his job, and your education, you two never went anywhere too public. Nor had you yet been to each other's places. Though, after about a week and a half, he invited you to his place for a dinner, and even suggested you bring a change of clothes — You,,?

Scenario D- make something up.

Ahhh~~! (RP)(INDIVIDUAL) $mütty OPENWhere stories live. Discover now