F|| The Sitter

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Name: Genesis

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Name: Genesis

Age: 18

Species: Human

Sub/Dom: sub

Sexuality: bi (male lean)

Turn Ons: choking, being slapped, being tied up, being collared, being on top, overstimulation, certain levels of pain, being verbally degradēd&praised, spanking, roughness, roleplay

Turn offs: typical stuff, scat, vore, being too gentle,

Occupation: babysitter

Likes: children (wouldn't be a baby sitter otherwise), reading, seeing the kid(s) she watches hurt/upset, the person/people she sits for, animals, an easy day, horror stories

Dislikes: having to punish naughty children, liars, gorey video games, ‘Karen’s.

Personality: Depends on who she's around.

Around children: bright bubbly very happy

Around people she doesn't like: rude af

Around someone she's flirting with/dating/screwing: bratty

Scenario One{Goes immediately to PMs}: The Bad Baby Sitter

You decided to check the hidden cameras you had in your house, having had a bad experience with previous sitters. You find your child(ren) have been put for a nap, as was a usual. — Audio also came through the cameras you had, you watched as Genesis cleaned up a bit, took a few snacks, and finally she settled down on the couch. The kids wouldn't be up for a bit. For a while she sat just doing nothing. A glimmer in her two different colored eyes, as she proceeded to put her hand down her pants. . . . 

A couple hours after you get home from work, and the kid(s) have had dinner and gone down to bed, you decide to confront her about her earlier actions in the hidden camera. —How so you do so?

Ahhh~~! (RP)(INDIVIDUAL) $mütty OPENWhere stories live. Discover now