Chapter Seven Y/n

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I sat feeling the dry blood against my skin, I felt so horrible with all my bruises and other injuries. The horrible darkness around me, the heat of the radiator making me sweat and feel even worse, The sounds of people upstairs even if most of them were illegible. I had barely seen Newt, Or the red-headed woman. But I wasn't complaining, It gave me time to think but less chances to make an escape of any kind. I had long since given up on trying to break the cuffs or collar, There was no way I could and my trying only made me weaker. I needed my strength for however I was going to get out of here.

I heard the door at the top of the stairs making me freeze even in this heat, a cool air up my spine as I heard harsh steps down the staircase, The door creaked open and the light clicked on burning my eyes.

I saw the thin figure of the red-headed woman in a light blue dress with a white apron, her hair in a long plait down her back. She stared at me for a moment, our eyes glaring at each other with utter silence between us.

"Come on," she says

"Why?" I snapped

"You'll find out" she answered distantly, she came over her heels clicking on the floor she took a key from the pocket of her apron and unlocked one of the padlocks on my collar the chain falling slack to the floor, I went to grab it with my cuffed hands however she grabbed it before I could wrap it around her wrist. She returned the key to her pocket digging around a moment before she got out another unlocking my ankles picking up the cuffs and slipping them Into her pocket. "Walk" she orders her tone harsh and sharp

"Where too?"

"You'll find out" she repeated before she pulled on the chain pulling me forward towards the floor I did as she said and slowly stood my legs shaking and barely taking my weight as I stood up as straight as I could, she tugged me out the room like a dog on a lead, she pulled me aggressively up the stairs, I tripped on one but she pulled me forward anyway. She lead me out into the main part of the house I had seen days before I immediately noticed the door had been repaired, she turned and began leading me up the wooden staircase, I took notice of all the black and white photos framed on the wall, all of them of this red-headed woman, some had a small boy I could only assume as Newt. And another rather chubby man I would assume to be Newt's father. The Black frames against the green textured walls, we turned at the top of the stairs seeing a corridor with various doors and even more photos before I could look anymore. She pushed me inside one of them hard. My body hit the cold hard surface of a bathtub against the wall. I went to complain but she slapped my face and shut the door of this white tiled bathroom even if the grout between each was a light pink as if over time it had been discoloured by something... I didn't want to know what. A sink with a mirror to the side, a tall toilet and of course the bath I was now leant against. She wrapped the end of the chain that she held around the metal pipe of the showerhead locking it with the padlock from my collar.

"What's going on?" I asked

"Newt, would like to bring his toy to dinner tonight," she says "And your not coming to dinner like this," she says "Newt!" she calls I was confused, panicked what exactly was going to happen as the door opened a crack and Newt stepped in his hair more fluffy then last I saw him, He wore a half tore and hole covered blue t-shirt with a pair of tattered jeans "Lift your toy for me sweetheart" she smiled to him and he nodded coming close to me

"Hi Y/n" He blushed

"Hi Newt" I answered his hand slipped under my legs and the other around my back He gripped me suddenly lifting me off the floor effortlessly him standing up holding onto me tightly

"Ummm" Newt smiled pulling me closer he clearly likes holding me

"Newt!" She yelled sharply he seemed upset, he carefully and gently put me into the empty tub "Run along now" she told him and he nodded leaving the bathroom again

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