Chapter Eight Y/n

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I dug around in the small drawer all of them were my size, I picked a pair out, slipping it all on and getting on the little dress Newt picked out for me. I managed to move to look in the wardrobe. It was full of dresses all my size or bigger. I looked at all the toys, some old, some new, this bed looked so cosy and soft it was clear it wasn't used much. I heard steps down the hallway and the door opened, Newt had changed into a little light blue button-down and a pair of jeans less tattered than the earlier ones, he saw me and smiled widely blushing to flood his cheeks before he looked to the floor.

"Are you ready Y/n?" He asked and I nodded "You uhhh... you look beautiful" He smiled taking my hands "Y/n... Did you, maybe, Wanna stay up here tonight? With... me?" he asked tenderly

Part of me didn't want want to give him an opportunity, But up here I was more likely to find a way out, more likely to gain their trust and be allowed more freedom. That and the idea of a bed was far too enticing to turn down. "I would like that Newt," I said

"You- You mean it?" he asked and I nodded he smiled even wider unlocking the chain from the bed wrapping it around his wrist locking it around him like a handcuff, I was going to speak but before I could reach he picked me up as he did earlier in the bathroom it not even seeming to stress him or stain him at all. I couldn't help but laugh at the shock and absurdity of it, he readjusted me slightly and carried me like a bride or a princess, out of the room. He carried me down the hallway and the staircase, seeing the red-headed woman in the kitchen cooking things, the dining table set for four seats at dinner, the fire roaring up the chimney in the fireplace. She looked up from her cooking and looked angry,

"Newt!" she yelled making him jump as he had been staring at me "Put her own this instant!"

Newt quickly let go of my legs making my feet drop to the floor keeping his hand on my waist still though as I stood

"I'm sorry mummy... We were playing" he says

"Um playing," she says gruffly returning to her cooking "Go sit up the table," she says "We've having mac and cheese"

"Come on Y/n, you can sit next to me" He smiled tugging me to the table he pulled out a chair invitingly so I took a seat on the old batter wood he disappeared under the table a moment which puzzled me and cuffed my ankle around a leg of the table as he did I felt something odd a feeling I knew so well and yet was confused at feeling now. A little kiss, Just a peck on my leg close to where the cuff was around me I froze a horrific chill running down my spine before it was interrupted by him sitting in the chair beside me. He put his elbow on the table and his chin on his hand looking at me blissfully

"Why did you do that?" I whispered

He seemed confused so I glanced down under the table and he blushed a little checking his mother for a moment before he smiled at me "I don't know... I just wanted to"

"What are you two whispering about?" She asked as she came from the kitchen carrying a large square clay style tray full of mac and cheese atop of a darker orange cheese still gently melting,

"Nothing mummy, just about playing" he smiled taking his elbows off the table and his hands on his lap

"Don't play with your new toy too much, you'll get sick of it?" she says getting a large serving spoon from the kitchen and sitting in the seat at the end of the table between Newt and the empty chair with a plate and cutlery made up "Remember you used to play with your Elephant every day, You hardly ever do now" she reminds pushing the spoon into the food and giving Newt a large spoonful onto his plate, then one onto her own. She left the spoon with the rest of the food and sat a moment pouring herself water from a large jug on the table

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