Chapter Twenty Three Vince

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I sat at the head of the van, trying to ignore the mess of men I had with me. We were perched on the street trying to look inconspicuous often times flipping the envelope from the chief in my hands. We just sat waiting for the car to come around watching the dark house for even a sign of movement. 

I froze up a little as I heard a car coming down the street and everyone in the van got quiet I watched the road as the little green car made its way down the street 

"Let's jump him," Mark said from the back

"No. he hasn't seen us. let's keep it that way for now." I said watching as the car pulled into the driveway, Nick climbed out of the car grabbed a bag of shopping holding it close to him as he headed to the door and grabbed the keys from his pocket unlocking the door and heading inside


"No. let him relax," I said watching as the house returned to its stillness for a good few minutes "Let's hit him," I said opening the door to the van instantly everyone got out and we matched over to the house. I knocked loudly on the door and after a minute the door opened and he instantly saw me panic across his face "Mr Nick Benson. This is an official search warrant for your property. Will you kindly allow my team inside? if not I can say we are prepared to dentin you" I explained to him, he looked angry but let us in the team began rushing through photographing and searching every inch of his little house. I took him to the living room letting him take a seat on his sofa, as I took a seat on the chair 

"Can I smoke?"

"Of course" I nodded 

"On what grounds do you have that damn thing?" he asked as he rolled himself a cigarette 

"Y/n Y/l/n has been missing now for over a year. a few months back we found her car"

"Her car? what the blue junker?"

"Yes. we found it pushed into the dyke out on west road. After a thorough investigation of the vehicle, we have ruled out many possibilities. We believe she has been kidnapped and we had to gather a search warrant given -"

"You think I did it?"

"You're a suspect yes sir"

"What. In hell makes you think that?"


"From who?"

"Her family mostly," I said, "did you wanna tell me, why that is?"

"If it'll get you lot off my back and out my house. Sure." He sighed taking a long drag off his cigarette returning it to his hand slightly shaking as he spoke "I was seventeen, my dad died when I was young, motorbike accident. My mum worked a lot to provide for me and the stress got to her, so she started drinking. She'd go to work and the moment her shift was over she'd start drinking, by the time she got home she'd be blackout. It used to piss me off because she couldn't function, she couldn't even stop herself throwing up on the living room floor she was so out of it. Started going to this little bar in town, with sort of a fake speakeasy sort of vibe to it, Ended up making a few friends with the regulars, most of them were nerds, and they used to go do the drama society stuff, library all that sort of thing. And one-night y/n tagged along she was okay I guess not much to look at, decent rack, decent ass. But she... she had this way about her. she was just... Homely you know. One of those people that m makes you feel calm and happy, makes you feel listened to, and like she takes everything you say seriously like she makes you feel at home." he explained "we ended up dating and pretty quicky she moved in here. after a while, she started to work more and I barely saw her even when I did we'd argue, over everything and nothing, her tone, my cigarettes, the cars, and... I would lose my temper. when she'd get in my way when she didn't do as I asked. when she took my cigarettes, or when she stayed out longer than she promised I would just, I got so angry with her all the time. She reported it a few times but she stopped after a while, she didn't want to leave me and honestly, I didn't want her to go. after a few years, her family got involved forced her to leave me, she went back to live with them and I haven't seen her since. I don't know what happened to her but I hope she's safer than she ever was here with me" He explained 

"Thank you Nick" I nodded just as the team finished up

"nothing. house is clear."

"All of it?"

"Every inch. she isn't here"

"Thank you for your time, and corporation Nick," I told him before heading outside to the van 

"well that was a fat waste of time" Mark complained 

"No. it wasn't."

"We didn't learn anything we don't already know, she ain't here, and he used to knock her around"

"No. we learnt something very important. Y/n was a sweet girl, ... and she stayed with a man who beat her for almost six years." I explained 


"So. she stayed with a man who beat her. who hurt her. she had her own job, her own money, her own car, she could have run off back to her parents, could have gone to work one day and never came back"

"Yeah, she could. but she didn't"

"Yeah, she didn't. which means she very likely was attached to him, likely Stockholm syndrome, which is bad. Becuase if she has been kidnapped she could get it again. If she got Stockholm syndrome for nick she could for whoever has her know"

"Ohh shit-"

"Yeah. which means we don't have much time to find her" 

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