Chapter Twelve Uncle Janson's Book

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To whom that it may concern or whoever it is that reads this. 

The Life I once Knew seems but a distant memory. This little house, this Character I have

been selected to play is the life that I have since been forced to accept. At one time I was a bank worker, I remember not the name of the bank let alone my time there. I had a wife, I can no longer recall her face, her voice, anything about her other than at one time she was in my life.

However the vividness of the first day I arrived in this place is all too clear like a stubborn stain never to be removed, I recall waking up in a bed with no a call who I was or where I was. And this red-headed woman above me. She was gentle, sweet at times, but with a temper wild and short, like the smallest thing would set her on in a way that was unable to stop once it had begun. She took care of me, and healed my wounds though I don't recall how I first received them.

And I remember Newt.

A Boy who would huddle behind the door seeming afraid, No more than four. He was small, starved it would seem, almost always half-dressed revealing his skinny chest with all his bones exposed, a Mop of blonde and brown hair that would fluff and bounce as he ran off places around the house. Her Son. Or so she said. Even if he didn't resemble her at all. When he would speak, he would whisper only to the red-headed woman.

Over the time locked away in this small room my memory slowly returned but whenever it did she forced it away. She forced me, beat me, abused me, all to make me slowly accept this new character that I was to play.

I accepted it. 

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