Chapter Fifty-Eight Y/n

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I kneeled on the bathroom rug retching into the toilet bowl I had given up counting the days since discovering I was pregnant but it seemed like every time I looked down my stomach had grown bigger, I knew time was running out, each time my stomach grew even an inch I knew we had less time to find out way out before baby would be born. 

Newt had woken up with me and he gently put my hair into a braid to keep it out of my face, soothing his hands on my back, often muttering sweet things to me to try and help me feel better.

I got a moment of rest so I moved to sit on the rug and leaned my back against the bathtub

"You weren't this bad with JR" 

"I know.  I don't know why, but everything is just double as intense as with JR." 


"Sure feels like it."

"No. You- you can't be-"


"Double as intense. Could be... double, Babies."

"Newt that's not how that works"

"You have been saying it's a lot worse, more intense, your stomach has been growing so much faster than it ever did with Jr" he says moving his hand to my stomach "Do you want me to?"

"Try," I nodded

"I'll be gentle" he reassured kissing my forehead he carefully pushed his hand on my stomach doing his best to feel across my stomach

"ahhh" I hissed

"I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you" he says "One little one" he says and moves slightly to the other side "Two little ones." He says "I- I'm not the smartest boy and I could be wrong but I think there might be two"

"Two. Okay... two. That certainly means we are going to need some more things"

"We definitely will do."

"I'm sorry newt"

"Sorry? what on earth are you sorry for sugar cookie? If it's not true it's fine we get one little baby nothing will change if it is true and we get two, then we get two little ones to love." he smiled "I couldn't be happier if we get more little ones" 

"You do?"

"of course. I know it can't.... replace JR. Nothing ever will but it'll be nice to have, like our own little family"

"It will be newt" I smiled giving him a sweet kiss "I just hope they don't have to know this place"

"I hope so too. you ready to get back to bed now?"

"I think I need some juice from downstairs before bed"

"You get to bed I'll get it for you"

"It's alright I can go"

"Then at least let me come with you sugar cookie"

"I'll be fine newt" I smiled he helped me to my feet but stopped me before I reached the door

"What if she's downstairs." He says 

"I'm just getting juice newt."

"Yeah... you were just getting a drink last time." he says "I don't trust her alone with you. Not for a moment. Not after what she's done." 

"Okay, we'll go down together."

"Okay, hold my hand and please don't let go"

"I won't I promise" I smiled holding his hand tightly before we left the bathroom 

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