Carlos only likes annoying you

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you swap bracelets and you hear Mirabel squealed, you had made her a blue and purple beaded bracelet. while she had made you a olive green and Maroon bracelet, you looked at the green it was your fav colour, then you looked at the maroon.. your other fav colour. it reminded you of Carlos. you smiled, " thinking about Carlos?" Mirabel said with a light tone of saying 'oooh~ you have a crush on him 😏😏


you and Mirabel had finishes making bralettes for each other you slid the bracelet onto your slim wrist and say a quick good bye.

"bye Mira! imma head off now!" she waves to you, you smile in reply, and walk out her room. and of course again bump into Carlos. 

"God y/n.. you do really need to watch were your going.." he clicks his tong and walks off. 

you think to your self that maybe you could hang with him for a while. you did not really have anything else to do..! maybe you could change him! make him better!

yes that was your plan. to hang out with Carlos... the weird emo Madrigal..

you find him in an alleyway. you start to walk up to him and he just shots you a glare.

"sheesh~ calm down i dont bite!" you laugh at your own words and glance at Carlos which he did not look amused, he scoffed. "what do you want?" he replied in a firm tone. you look at him confused. what was he saying he always annoyed you, that was his way to hang out with you!

"to hang?" you replied, sounding snappier than you intended.


"why? you always annoying me into hanging with you? is something wrong?"

"No. go away." he grunts then shuffles his feet side to side. a look of discomfit on his face.

you decide to ignore the subject and just walk away to get some snacks. "damn.. what's his prob?.."


you were still pretty annoyed at Carlos, but that was fine.

you were walking around when you caught Camilo playing with some of the village kids. 

"HEY MILO!!" you shouted as you ran over to him.

"oh hey y/n long time no see! what have you been up to?" a warm smile was planted on his face, it made you calm. he than sat down on an bench and patted the spot next to him. Camilo than wrapped his arm around your back giving you a loose squeeze. you sat next to him, and nestled into his shoulder. it was a tiering day today. then i dozed off on Camilo's shoulder.


y/n then nestled into me making my head go all fuzzy. she's so cute..

i heard a faint snoring coming from y/n, i giggled to myself. one of the village kids came up to me and said "is that your girlfriend?"

my cheeks grew red. "n-n no.. she just my friend" i gave the kid a soft smile. "Oh! ok i do think you would be a great couple tho!" the kid laughed then skipped away.

then i heard thumping, my clone was walking our way.

y/n jolted awake up from the sudden sound. "


not this again..

Carlos grabbed y/n and pulled her to his side. "mine.." he said in a growlish tone.

"w-what!?" y/n stuttered out. she immediately turned a bright red, ouch..

i just sat there defeated as my clone took y/n back to his ally.. 

"bitch.." i muttered in my breath...


this was confusing now he wanted me!? when i start to hang with someone else he gets.. jealous!?

"wait so now you want me!?" i said as he was leading me to his ally.

"mmrph.." he replied. it kinda sounded like a angry humph mixed with a sigh, mixed with a growl... what was he a wolf?

"words dork.." i said in a annoyed tone.

" you only want me when I'm hanging with someone else. but when i want to hang you, you push me away!"

i sigh and lay my head against the brick wall.

"you could just ask to hang.. you know?" i paused "i do really wanna hang.. i do! but when i do.. you, dont.."

"you wanna hang.. with, me?" he lifted his head. your eyes locked.

after you said that a slow smile faded into his face making you grin.

"yes goofbag i do." you chuckle..

how did things end up like this?

after a few weeks you started to hang out more. people gave you looks but you did not care. (slay queen) He would always question why you would hang with him. you would usually get annoyed into hanging with , but this time. it was the opposite.

WORD COUNT: 800 WORDS (︶^︶)╚(•⌂•)╝



LOL ITS LIKE 3:09 ITS BEEN LIKE 100000 HOURS 😫😫😖😖😩😩 (5 hours)

lol help me- i never go to sleep. anyway.

i will either post alot or like never idk help 

im hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

ugh anyway thanks again for choosing to read my book lol 

baiiiiiiiiii <3

your mine hermosa~ 🤍 Carlos x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now