Pups to the Rescue

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"I want to play with you. I really like that toy." I stared at the bright red robot clutched in my pup mate's hand. I liked robots a lot. Like cars and boats and ships and pirates. He was playing with another boy and they both had robots. The other boy's robot was a shiny silver. I didn't have one of my own but maybe we could take turns holding them.

I bounced happily, beaming as I looked between them, waiting for them to agree and let me join their duo. But they both looked confused as they blinked at one another with screwed up faces. I was a lot smaller than both of them so I had to crane my head back to read their emotions.

"What?! I can't understand what you're saying! Speak normally! You have to open your mouth!" One of the boys said loudly, his lip curled in confusion. My smile fell and my heart began to pound. Oh yeah... I remembered that papa said many of the pups in the pack didn't know sign language. The only problem was that I didn't have any other way of communicating with him. Even my pack link scrambled the messages I tried to send.

I began looking around for a paper and pen, but the next words they spoke at me, made me freeze.

"He speaks alien language. Weird." The other boy scoffed and I backed away. I wasn't an alien, I swear I wasn't! Just different. Papa and Daddy said different was okay. I sniffled, wiping at my eyes.

It's okay. Let's find something else to play with.

"Target aquired!" The loud roar made me jump and Lumai came barreling towards us. She slammed into the boy who'd called me an alien and all of a sudden, I was surrounded by my siblings. "Kuma! Disarm the enemies!"

Kuma snatched the robots from both boy's hands. The one Lumai had run into was on the floor in a heap, crying. The other looked terrified. Kuma snarled at him, baring his teeth as he tucked the robots under his shirt. "Lili, make sure our precious companion is okay!"

Lili stopped in front of me, she grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks together and I could hardly breathe. "Are you okay?!" I held up my thumb the best I could and she gave a satisfied nod before turning to Ari. "Damage control! Scout the area!"

Ari circled around us, her hands curled like binoculars around her eyes. "Trouble approaching! Two adults! They don't look happy! I repeat, two angry adults coming our way! Gotta go!"

Lumai made a sprint for the sliding doors that lead out of the pack play room and into the corridor beyond. Kuma grabbed my left hand and Ari grabbed my right. Then they were dragging me behind them as we all made a dash for the door after Lumai. She lead us on a goose chase through corridors and up the stairs until finally, we emerged in Lumai and Kuma's bedroom.

Lumai slammed the door and sat in front of it with a triumphant grin. "Mission success! Come here, Mika!" She demanded and I scampered towards her, sitting on the floor beside her. She wiped my tears away with a frown. "Next time, just body slam him."

I giggled sadly, scooting closer and laying my head on her shoulder. She was technically my big sister even though we were born on the same day. The others gathered around and Kuma sat beside me, pulling the robots from under his shirt. He handed them to me with a triumphant smile. I took them, feeling a little bit guilty for what had happened to the other boys.

"Or call us and we'll body slam them for you," Kuma added and Lili and Ari agreed. They were always protective of me, because I was the smallest, the youngest of our five, and because I couldn't talk. I didn't really hate it all that much - except when it got us all into trouble. But they made me feel safe and they were my best friends.

Ari was just dragging a box of toys out from under Kuma's bed when we heard foot steps from outside the door. We all froze and my eyes widened. Oh no... Daddy. He didn't say anything but we scrambled to get up. Kuma wrenched the robots out of my hands, dumped them in the toy box and shoved the toy box back under the bed.

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