First Friends

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Archie was asleep on my chest and I gently ran my fingers over his dark fluffy hair, admiring him with my gaze and touch. I was transfixed as I caressed his full, pink cheeks, his brown skin tinged yellow post-birth. He was beautiful and I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

My first baby boy and after wanting a baby boy for so long, there was this contentment that settled in my heart now that he was here. I loved my girls and always would, but if I was being honest, I'd always had room in my heart for one more despite all the shit I'd spoken about being done.

I kissed him sleepily, pulling the blanket up over us and settling back against the pillows, cursing the sharp of pain I still felt in my behind. Beautiful baby boy, but a hefty nine pounds had torn me up in ways I couldn't bare to think about. I shuddered, and Ray perked up where he'd been dozing beside me.

"You okay? Are you in pain?" He growled softly and I rolled my eyes. I just pushed his son out of my asshole, off course I was in pain. But he was only being overprotective and sweet so I couldn't fault his concern. Ugh, freaking hormones.

"I'm okay," I told him finally and my big, large enforcer grumbled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. We'd been burrowing in our room for three days, bonding and creating memories with the girls and our newborn. No visitors from the pack just yet.

Which is why I was suprised when I heard scratching at the bedroom door. I cradled Archie closer and he cooed in his sleep. I wasn't ready to share him just yet no matter how desperate the pack were to finally meet him. Ray knew this and got up to send the person on the other side away. But when he opened the door and bent at the waist, I sat up, confused.

Ray turned with a smile and I immeadiately relaxed, a small chuckle falling from my lips as I spied the gorgeous baby in his arms. Mika was sucking aggressively on a pacifier as he wrapped his short little arms around my mate's thick neck. His dark brown curls were wild and those big baby blues were trained right on Archie, his little button nose twitching  away.

"Well hello there," I laughed softly. Not the visitor I was expecting but a welcome one all the same. Mika was half dressed in only a cute lavender pyjama shirt and a diaper, his chubby little legs free. The almost one year old pup had obviously somehow escaped his parents which was odd considering how overprotective Amari was and also how he was the only one out of the quintuplets who still couldn't walk.

"I'll link Luka," Ray smiled, carrying Mika over to the bed and sitting beside me. I watched them, beaming. That was going to be Ray and Archie one day. God, my heart. I couldn't wait. They sat beside me and Mika began cooing. He leaned over , plucking his pacifier out with one hand and puckering his lips at me. I kissed his cheek and he turned, grunting at Ray for a kiss too. Ray obliged him and then, he was after Archie.

"He can't kiss you just yet, honey. Maybe you can give him a kiss instead," I told him softly. Mika seemed to consider that, peering incredulously down at Archie. He pointed, babbling incoherently. He was also behind his siblings when it came to speech but I was confident he would catch up - he always did with a little bit of help.

I carefully lifted Archie towards Mika, sighing in relief when he didn't stir. Mika leaned in and gave Archie a wet kiss on the cheek before shoving his pacifier back into his mouth and curling up against Ray's chest. I smiled, cradling Archie close again. They were absolutely adorable.

"What if they're mates," I conspired suddenly. "We'll get in on the alpha genes. Imagine that!"

Ray made a face, giving Mika his hand when the baby began to fuss. "No."

"Why not?!"


"Is your best friend!"

"Is a fucking maniac. I don't need to compete with him as grandfathers to their pups. Besides, he's the type of guy to be an awful father in law. We don't want that for Archie."

I laughed but it was true. I could imagine the alpha going absolutely overprotective cave man with his only omega son. Yeah... I could imagine that wouldn't go down well for any of Mika's future partners. Besides, we didn't know if Archie was dominant or submissive yet. It might be Ray going ballistic when Archie starts dating.

"You boys are gonna be the death of us," I sighed, stroking Archie and then Mika who was drifting in Ray's large arms.

There was a frantic, but quiet knock on the door and it pushed open slightly. Amari popped his head around the door, looking tired as hell and apologetic. "I'm so sorry. Oh god, Eugene! Archie is gorgeous - shit I know you weren't ready to let us see him!" He whispered, babbling nervously. "I took my eye off Mika for a second and he wandered off."

"Its alright," I told him, meaningfully. "You know he's a sweetheart."

"Well, only when his belly's full and speaking of, he's due a feed. Come on baby," he sighed, walking into the room and taking his pup back from Ray. "Say night-night uncles."


"Good night to you too mister," I waved and Ray did the same. Mika nodded before unceremoniously face planting his papa's chest for milk. I snorted and Amari rolled his eyes, saying his goodbyes before running off out the door.

Ray settled onto the bed again, wrapping his arms around me and dimming the lights. "I'm happy our boy will not only have our daughters but other friends too. Family is important. I hope they grow up well together."

His low voice made me feel content and happy and mellow and I nodded along. I agreed whole heartedly. "Pack was everything. He's blessed," I whispered down at Archie. "Night to you too baby."

Ray kissed my forehead and I leaned into him. We quickly fell asleep and I was grateful. Sleep was going to be futile these next coming months and I needed as much beauty hours as I could get.


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