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Hi guys. Welcome to the chaos.
Obviously this isn't a Hamilton or MARVEL book.
This will be me jut talking about random things to do with school work and other things. It will have book reviews (wattpad and normal books), movie/Tv show reviews, musical theatre reviews, me talking about random things and some deep thoughts. If you need something to think about or you just want a laugh (yes there will be memes) then this is the perfect place to come.
I will talk about MARVEL and Hamilton a lot. This will include some random theories and me rating about wanting sequels to MARVEL movies.
I am taking suggestions of what to talk about and if you want me to look at any topic then I will happily write a chapter about it.
But yeah, welcome to the mess I call my brain.

Also, I would like to acknowledge any creators of memes and images I use throughout this book. I will out what belongs to me but I take no credit for any other images (the cover is mine).

The Mess I Call My BrainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin