Getting beat up by the circus

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I had yet another I interesting dream.
In this one I was at school (a slightly modified version) in the creative arts building (my home at school) and we had a lockdown.
It was scary at the time, but now that I think about it... funny?
Basically, this group of teen dressed up in 'circus-like' almost 'Christmassy' clothing had broken into the school. They managed to get into the building I was in and they were sorta beating up kids. I was with a couple other people (who they were, I don't know) and we could see out into the hallway and they were going into other classrooms.
Anyway, another lot of them come up the stairs and then manage to break into our room and start beating us up.
They somehow get us all laying on the floor, on our stomachs, in a line, near a wall.
Then this guy and couple of his mates from the group come in with a MASSIVE (comedic clown sized) sledge hammer and start smashing some of the other kids heads in.
I manage to get away and run out of the building to our library and there's some sort of scavenger hunt activity going on.
What happened after that I don't want to know.
Whether I got out of that situation alive, I also don't know.
Thank the high heavens I woke up.
I will say though, my school did have a lockdown in the last term as there was an unidentified person on the grounds. I've never been in a lockdown before and it's unusual for an Australian school to have to so I was not prepared.
Although, when we had the lockdown I was in the creative arts building in the music staff room with my sister and two of our friends drinking tea with some of the tutors when the lockdown happened (myself and my sister are very well know for music in our school and are very good friends with some of the music staff).  We were near a draw of cutlery and there is a massive knife so we were armed and ready.
There are also a ridiculous amount of mugs up there and the piano tutor (wonderful, wonderful lady) made the joke that is someone came through the door we'd mug them.
But yea.
I have some interesting dreams.

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