11 Study Tips (from someone who studies too much)

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Hello my fellow aliens. I am coming to you today with study tips from someone who studies far too much.

Tip 1: Remove Distractions. This is very important. I know you probably don't want to hear this but it's very important that you don't have anything that will distract you around. For most people, that is a phone. I know you want it but you need to get it away. If even just putting it on the other side of the room from you will help you remove the distraction.

Tip 2: Be Comfortable. This is one you must know. When studying you want to be comfortable as otherwise your mind will drift to the fact that you're uncomfortable. You might also be too hot or cold which can make it very hard to concentrate.

Tip 3: Sound. If you find that listening to music helps you study them have music on. If you do have music it's best to listen to it through headphones but QUIETLY (preferably not using any earphone eg. AirPods) so you don't override your studying. If you need silence, put yourself in an environment where it is quiet so you can concentrate.

Tip 4: Food. I find that having a small snack to munch on makes it easier for me to concentrate and makes me happier while I study which boosts my efficiency.

Tip 5: Clean. I know this is annoying but it's proven that if you study in a clean environment you'll work more efficiently.

Tip 6: Have everything there. Before you start studying make sure you have everything ready. Whatever you need, textbook, charger, laptop, food, water, jumper, pen, notebook etc. This stops you getting up while you're studying to grab things.

Tip 7: Posture. Once again, I know I sound like your mother but it's very important. Just have good posture. Sit at a desk or table, not on your bed or the couch. Having good posture helps, trust me.

Tip 8: Breaks. Most people can't go for hours on end concentrating on work so remember to take small breaks every hour or so.

Tip 9: Handwritten notes. Once again coming to you with the facts. Handwriting notes is proven to boost memory so next time you're studying for that exam, write your notes down.

Tip 10: Set goals. When studying I think it's important to set goals for yourself. This includes setting small goals (eg. I want this paragraph done in the next 10 minutes) and setting larger ones (eg. This afternoon I want to  have completed my maths and science homework). This makes studying and doing homework more rewarding, so overall more enjoyable.

Tip 11: Don't overwork yourself. I'm other words, don't do what I do. If you can't understand something, come back to it. If you're having trouble with something, come back to it. Overworking yourself with just end in breakdowns e.v.e.r.y t.i.m.e.

But yea, those are my tips.
They are good.
During assessment time I study up to 30 hours a week along with my roughly 14 hours of extra curricular activities and 32 hours of school. It ain't fun but oh well. It'll be worth it one day.

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