Some of the Worst Feelings

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- When it's hard for them but it's also affecting you but you can't say anything because you'll seem ungrateful.

- When it hurt but you can't tell anyone because you might hurt them as well.

- Knowing that there's no one to go to because they might not understand it properly and it'll just end badly again.

- Faking a smile because it's easier than explaining why you're sad.

- Being sad and not knowing why you're sad.

- When you're past sad and you just sit there, completely empty and emotionless.

- When the tiniest thing makes you upset but it's more than that. That tiny thing triggered everything you've been holding in.

- When you want to give your all to someone but you also want to give them nothing so when they walk away it won't hurt.

- When you display a rock solid exterior because you don't want to come off as weak, but really, you're breaking inside

- When someone (who's friendship you value) stops responding to your texts the way they used to

- When one of your best friends ignores you and you don't understand why

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