A Unicorn Rhinoceros that a Child Drew

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I had a weird dream a couple of nights ago.
Basically, there was an infection that was sort of like the one in the maze runner. Ya know, turns people into zombies sort of thing? Anyway, that was happening and basically it's the apocalypse.

Then, I was on a bus and as we were driving along, there were people in front of buildings with posters and stuff that were making fun of science teachers (I don't know). Like full on protesting against the existence of science teachers.

Next thing I know we're getting off the bus and people are turning into horses and we're all getting on them and riding. I'm at the front of the pack now and am around a corner, out of sight from everyone else and my horse starts trying to get me off. It succeeds and I land really hard on the ground. I run after it to try and stop it from jumping into a nearby school, but fail and it jumps over the fence.

I'm freaking out at this point. I turn around and when I turn back, there's this massive, weird, unicorn, rhino thing. So, imagine a child's drawing of a unicorn that looks kind of like a rhino and is white with some grey dirt on it. That's what this thing looked like. It was mAsSiVe. Probably 3 metres tall and 6-7 meters long.

Anyway, everyone's freaking out and running around and my horse turns back into a human and it's someone I know. I'm annoyed at them now and I yell (word for word) 'damn you' over the crowd and they smirk. I run away and find a group of normal people fighting the zombie people. I try to get to the other side but I get cornered by another person I know. At this point I accept my fate because I want to go and get revenge of the person who was the horse I was riding for chucking me off onto the floor.

I'm so confused.
Someone send help.
The 3D version of the child's drawn unicorn rhino is haunting me.

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