They Invoked... the FIFTH!

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TW: Mentions Murder

So I had an interesting conversation the other day with one of my friends and it's worth sharing.

Me: Who can I set on fire

Them: Your sister?

Me: She won't fit in the microwave or the fireplace thoughhhh

Them: I mean she could if you try hard enough

Me: I doubt it

Them: If you try hard enough anything's possible

Me: Hmmm
How will this work
Cut her in half and burn her in two sessions
But she'll bleed out...
Burn her on the floor!

Them: Yeh

Me: She'll run away...
Slit her ankles

Them: Jeez ok calm down

Me:  But it'll work right?
Ofc it will

Them: I invoke fifth

Me: What

Them: Look it up

Me: *silent gasp*
*in sign language* how dare you

Yea so this is really nothing much but I found it funny soooo.

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