10. A Storm is Coming

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That was it

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That was it.

It was final.

Sera had gained too much. She peered in the little mirror at herself and was pleased with what she saw in terms of health, but only that.

In the weeks that had passed since her arrival, she had filled out a little more than necessary and looked rather plump. But at least she was no longer resembling a feral dog.

Ana had made her a chest full of day dresses, skirts, and blouses. Today Sera was wearing a cream-colored day dress and the fabric had tiny dyed red roses sprinkled all over it. It was Sera's favorite because it made her look rather pretty.

It felt strange being able to wear a dress. Most of the time, Sera had been locked away in the attic with only her chemise, drawers, and stockings. Every once in a while, her grandmother would let her bathe and wear one of the unappealing gowns that belonged to her grandmother. So, to bathe regularly and wear something that fit her was a luxury Sera would never take for granted.

And this would be the first day she felt ready to wear the dreaded corset. It had been much too constrictive on her poor ribs, which she believed had now healed.

Sera moved her waist around, twisting her body to check and make sure there was no pain. Fortunately, there was only the discomfort from wearing a corset. Taking a relieved breath, Sera gathered some of her long hair and grabbed a red ribbon tying it around the top section of her hair. Stepping back, she scrunched face.

Yes, she looked quite comely, but more in a schoolgirl way. It didn't matter though since she would never be able to marry with the scarring on her back. She had been tarnished and there was no way a man would have her once he saw them.

Roman Remington was proof of that.

Sera pushed him out of her mind. She had not seen him since their parting and good riddance. She only grew attached to him because he had been the first man to show her a smidge of kindness after all she had gone through.

Sera was back to being the one in control.

The strong wind made the house creak again. Sera went to the window and watched as sand leapt off the ground like a pouncing feline. It landed back down on its paws as people wandered the streets and continued about their day.

For being locked away with no social graces, Sera had managed to find herself conversing more with the natives or homely folks rather than the more sophisticated crowd. After the commotion she had stirred with her action toward Remington, some gave her suspicious looks.

Sera had thought it would be the town gossip, but she quickly learned that people around here didn't poke their noses into other people's business. There were no gossip headlines or talks of scandals. Only skeptical glances and soft murmurs here or there. It relieved Sera slightly, especially since she didn't want her sister to know about the altercation between herself and Remington.

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