How it Started

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A/N: speak of dead/suicide, overdosing and self harm.
Graphic sh starts at: he look around and sees his craft scissors., and ends at: Dizzy, tired and, so cold.
~ = time skip
~■~ = flash back

It's Izuku's eleventh birthday and Inok, his Mama still isn't home yet. Izuku doesn't mind, nobody wants to go to his birthday anymore anyway, not even kacchan comes.

It's not even like izuku's mama even remembered, she hasn't remembered since his fifth birthday. Sometimes she forgets Izuku is even here, but that's fine Izuku thought, just have to make my own food now and sometimes I work for people to get money to buy cloths.

Izuku says everything's fine but it's really not. Sometimes he wish everything was back to before his quirkless diagnosis, to back when he was happy.

Mama used to take izuku with her pick up groceries and her pills, and when izuku asked her what they were mama said they make her happy. Since Mama's not home maybe I can take some of the pills to make me happy too thought Izuku.

Izuku made his way to the bathroom and found mama's pills and took two because he's very sad.

After some time Izuku decided he needed more because they aren't working.

Going to take a few more Izuku remembered something from a long time ago. It was some thing a doctor said when he was four.


"So what quirk does my baby have." Mama asked smiling

"Well your son has a unique situation"
Mama's smile dropped "What do you mean?"

The doctor looked down at his clipboard with a sigh "Well what I have here indicates your son is not quirkless nor has a quirk."
Mama was getting mad "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO QUIRK!"

"Miss please, what I'm saying is your son either is quirkless, has a quirk that has a specific activation, or has a weak quirk."
"I- I need a minute." Mama stood and lifted the room.

As the doctor glaced back at her he turned and glared at Izuku "Listen kid I know from your Allmight figure you want to be a hero, right?" He paused so Izuku nodded, "Well just a heads up, you should give up. And if you're quirkless give everything up. You don't deserve to live."


Izuku was four and a doctor told him to dead, and honestly he had a piont. Izuku still don't have a quirk and nobody loves or cares about him anymore.

Izuku stares at the pills in his hand then turns and stumble to the computer. He searches 'how many happy pills till i die' but all its said was number and grams so he emtpyed the bottle and swallowed as much as he could.

Izuku sat there for a while starting to feel dizzy. Everything was a haze, he didn't know how long he been just sitting there when suddenly there was a noise.

Keys jingling came from the front door. Izuku went to stand and greet his Mama at the door like he alway does but he stumbled and fall. Izuku felt bilt coming up his throat but don't want to make a mess everything was blurring before it all went dark.


Izuku woke up to banging from the kitchen, sanding from the floor izuku knew something was off. Other then the vomit puddleing around him on the floor Izuku feel great. Like he was reborn.

Then it hit Izuku, what if he was?

Izuku was filled with excitement with a sliver of dread. He needed to test this, but how. Sneaking to his room to not disturb Mama, Izuku shut the door behind himself.

Still thinking about how Izuku could test what he thinks is his new found quirk, he look around and sees his craft scissors.

Izuku grabs the scissors and sits on his bed. Their pretty sharp and easily cut all kinds of craft materials. They could cut something like skin easily.

He take a second to think, if I really die no one will care and if this is really my quirk life might get better. Looking down at his bare wrist Izuku decides to take the risk.

Izuku presses the blade of the open scissors to his wrist and drags across. And it was satisfying. The blood begining to drip down his arm. Stress starting to leave his mind.

It all felt good, Izuku kept cutting wanting more. His arms are covered with blood and torn skin in minutes. Soon the giddy felling slows to a stop and a cold feeling starts spreading though his skin. Dizzy, tired and, so cold.

Izuku lay back on his bed. So tried and dizzy. He's dieing of bloodloss and doesn't care

Everything went black. Izuku is dead


Izuku shot awake confused but refreshed, he doesn't remember going to sleep. Glancing out the window Izuku think about his odd dream. He goes to stand and get ready for school but feels some sort of crust flask off his arm and onto the red stained sheets of his bed.

Dried blood is smeared on izuku's bed and blankets. Izuku looks down at his arms and shirt only to see more blood and many long lines that overlap scattered up his arms.

Their different colors red, pink, white, and even purple-ish shade, most rising from his tan skin. Scars Izuku realized.

It wasn't a dream. Izuku has a quirk.


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