My New (not really) Home (unedited)

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A/N: bullying, muzzle

It's been a week since Inko's death and I've been put into the the Foster system. We're all over the news, her and I.

'Middle schooler with dangerous quirk saves their friend but then goes insane and attacks them', and 'Inko Midoriya a wonderful women and mother of one commits suicide'.

I haven't been to school in a bit because everyone thinks I need time to 'heal' after finding my mother dead. The house I was place in is horrible.

Mr and Mrs.Chikan are supposed to be a lovely newlyweds. In reality they force me to do all the house work, barely feed me, and think I'm going to bite them any chance I get when I wouldn't.

I'm filling out a form, it's so I can pick up blood from the quirk side effects centre because now I need it in my diet, on the dinner table when suddenly a phone rings. Mr.Chikan stand from his spot on the couch and walks up to the kitchen counter. He picks up the phone and answer it.

After a few minutes his face lit up with joy. Once he hung up he walked over to me towering over me, smiling with all his teeth he says, "Tomorrow you're going to school and your teacher will be giving you something, just bring it back here. Don't look at what's inside."
knowing he wants answer I subconsciously expose my neck and say "yes, sir" trying not to stutter.

Since I had gotten my fangs I've been getting animalistic traits, like tilting my head when I'm confused and other random things. Hopefully none of my classmates will notice.


I wake up and get ready for the morning. I don't really bother to cover up my most visible scars with makeup anymore because everyone knows why I have them now.

My Foster parents both have work really early in the morning so I'm completely alone. This is usually when I steal some food but walking up to the counter and see an Apple with a note beside it.

I'm assuming they're both for me so I pick both up and look at the note, it read 'remember yesterday' I recognize the writing as Mr.Chikan's, so I assume he's talking about whatever that phone call was about.

I walk out the door, bit into my apple and started to walk to school.

Once I get there I can literally feel the stares and hear every single whisper. I get to my class and sit down like usual.
Everyone in the room is staring at me. I had probably traumatized them from jumping off the roof but now they all think I'm a monster.

Once classes started everyone is still staring at me but then the teacher calls me to the front. I stand confused and noticed she's holding something behind her back. Once I'm at the front she reveals it's a box. She handed it to me and said "put this in your bag when I'm done."
Even more confused I open my mouth to ask why she had to call me to the front for that, then suddenly something is shoved into my mouth. It's some sort of muzzle that has a gag built into it.

Panicking I fall backwards and reach for my face to try to get it off but there was a mistake. My teacher reached for the back of my head and I hear a clicking noise. I turn around to see a kry in her hand, she had locked it

laughter erupted throughout the room and people taunting 'monster', and 'look at them! Are you scared!'. They're enjoying the show of me crying on the floor not knowing what to do.

the teacher kicks my side and yells "get up bitch, and go to your seat!"
I grab the box and stand with it clenched in hands, when I get to my seat I stuff it into my bag. The box isn't to big soit fix okay.

The rest of the day was filled with beatings, more taunts, and me trying to pry this stupid thing off my face. It's not working and I think I'm even bleeding.

It's almost the end of the last period and I'm starting to get worried. I still feel like I'm bleeding it's weird. The mask is digging so far into my skin that's preventing me from healing.

When the bell finally does ring the teacher calls me to the front of the class and doesn't dismiss anyone yet. She pulls out a key and tells me to turn around. I know it's for the muzzle so I do. I hear the clicking again and she removes it slowly, which I'm grateful for.

As it's coming off I see strings of saliva mixed with blood. I hear a couple people gasp and some gag but then they start laughing at by pain.

I use my quirk to get most of the blood off my face and put it into the trash then I wipe the drool away with my sleeve.

There's a long scar across my nose and two scars on each side of my jawline where the muzzle laid.

Everyone was dismissed and I could finally leave and eat. During the walk back I could tell people kept staring at me, staring at my face. I walk into the closest convenience store I see and buy the cheapest fabric mask I can find since I need to save money after getting fired because customers were scared of me.

Less people are staring and the ugly scars are covered.

Right when I open the door Mr.Chikan is standing there with his hand open, I don't know what he wants. He clears his throat then I remember, the box.

I slide my bag off, open and grab the box to hand it to him. He ripped it away and walked to the kitchen. I took my shoes off and follow curiously behind.

There's a plate of food on the counter and a glass of water I needed to eat so I wait until Mr.Chikan's back is turned and I ate as much the food as possible and chugged the water not caring about my possible consequence.

A large shadow cases over me when I'm finished. Turning I see Mr.Chikan with his hands behind him " enjoy?" He says almost sounding genuine.
Shaking, I stutter in reply "I-I'm sorry sir. I w-was just so hungry, at school th-" he cut me off.
"Shh, it's okay. That was for you." He coos and lift one of his hand out from behind him, it had the now empty box and he reaches to set it down behind me and reach up to pet my cheek.

Something about him has always scared me but now I'm leaning into his hand as my eyes flutter closed. His thumb nudge my lips open making me slowly open myeye in a daze. There's a muzzle in his hand.

Panicked I try to run away. I'm in the hallway when he grabs me by my wrist and yank, causing me to yelp.

He shoves the muzzle onto my face and I hear that same click. This one's different it doesn't have the gag built-in and it has a couple holes in it. It's just made for my biting that I don't do.

He let's go on me leaving me on the floor. I'm scared, I'm horrified, it's getting harder and harder to breathe even though I know I can.

I curl up into a ball not knowing what to do and scoot into a corner. Closing my eyes I try to even my breathing, I need to breathe.

I hear lighter footsteps coming towards me I know it's not Mr.Chikan so it must be Mrs.Chikan. She ruffles my hair and says something along the lines of 'it's okay,' and 'temporary' I can't believe her, I don't believe her, the light step fade away when someone picks me up with ease and sets me down in something comfortable. I think it's my bed but I can't tell, I can't feel, I'm numb, I can't hear, I can't see, everything is just so, so numb.

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