It all goes Down Hill

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A/N: death, and sexual assault, sa starts at: Izuku is so scared he doesn't know what to do, and ends at: Izuku slowly stood and grabbed his cloths and started walking home.

It's been a week since Izuku and him mother when to the quirk clinic and got his quirk registered. The morning after Izuku discovered his quirk he told Inko someone hurt him really bad for being quirkless and when he got home he fell unconscious and woke up the next morning to find his wounds healed.

The week has been very eventful, yesterday he fell out of a tree and snaped his neck, making his death count a total of three time.

Besides that everything is normal. Well, Izuku has noticed a few things. Like how his pain tolerates is freakishly high which he originally thought was because of bullying but with his quirk it's like Izuku can't feel pain at all.

And there's other things Izuku found out. He can control blood outside and inside anyone's body even his own. This scared Inko when Izuku first used it. And Izuku's blood has healing properties, which is probably why he can't die.

Izuku told kacchan everything but then he called Izuku an attention whore. Izuku tried to convince him, but kacchan wouldn't listen or even look at Izuku when he tried to show him.

After izuku gave up he when to the teachers to tell them what kacchan said, but the dismissed izuku too.

Izuku figures everyone else would probably do the same so instead of Izuku tell them all about his quirk izuku learns to be silent.

Now he's just trying to continue his normal day to day life.


At thirteen Izuku's gets life gets worse. The bullying wasn't just the suicide baiting, insults, and beatings. But no, now everyone needed to practice their quirk. On Izuku.

That wasn't the only thing changing. Izuku hasn't grown alot. Izuku is small and easy to pick up, or drag and the girls in his class point at his bady and laugh. This doesn't mix with the bullys at all.

Izuku size caught the attention of teachers, and Izuku hates it. They constantly make comments about how he looks and some of his peers are saying stuff that disgust Izuku.

Izuk just finished cleaning the classroom and looked around the room to double check his work. Nodding izuku pulled on his backpack and opened the door to be face to face with his least favorite teacher.

Not like any of the teachers are his favorite but that's besides the point.

Now he's terrified, after being dragged by his hair Izuku is pinned to the wall of an alley behind the school by the teacher. Izuku is so scared he doesn't know what to do, but that's when the teacher spoke.
" You know I've always kept an eye on you." he whispered into Izuku's ear as he slid his hands down Izuku's torse and under his pants to grab the hem of their underwear.
"s-st-stop it." Izuku says struggling and pushing on the teacher's chest,
"Mm I don't think I will." The teacher mumble as he work on Izuku's belt buckle.

The sun was all ready going down and not many people would be around. This is actually going happen again. Izuku thought and likely muttered to himself.

People on the streets near his house tend to catchall him alot and touch him when Izuku isn't paying full attention.

The teacher kicks Izuku's knees making him fall to the ground and yanked their pants off. As he was pulling Izuku's pants down Izuku tried to crawl away but his waist was grabbed with harsh hands. Izuku was dragged back towards the teacher and thrusted in too,
"AAAHHHHH" Izuku screams as he felt himself rip.

He kept pounding into Izuku as he cried for help, but no one was near enough to answer.

Eventually Izuku fell unconscious and woke up in the same alley half naked but alone, covered in cum and smelling of sex, it was completely dark outside. Izuku slowly stood and grabbed his cloths and started walking home.

And Izuku knows that this is now going to be a pattern that will repeat until Izuku leaves the school.

QUIRK: blood magic: user's blood has healing/life properties (can heal/grow plants and humans/animals. Can also revive dead thing like plants, human/animals and can make plants grow stronger/faster). User can control others by their blood inside or outside the body. (Can control others like a puppet and manipulate outside blood into weapons,ect.) If the user drinks blood they can use the quirk in the DNA (drink kacchan's blood you get explosion and it's drawbacks(time limitdepends on how much blood is consumed. 15mL: hour). User will grow fangs when they first drink blood and slowly gain some animal like traits. User can smell blood inside or outside a body and can smell the blood type.) When the user dies they heal extremely fast, user also 'naturally' heal faster then others(healing after death gets faster the more the user dies).

DRAWBACKS: if over used user will get tired, dizzy(if extremely overused can cause blood loss like symptoms). User may gain a small obsession with blood (not to togas extent). To full power users eyes turn completely black and overuse full power causes blood to come out of users eyes(will go back to normal). User will easily get bruises and will easily get scars.

Izuku was running from bullies though a small forest he used to play in with kacchan when we were smaller. In the distance Izuku saw a very tall tree  and quickly made a plan. Izuku stuck his hand into a thorny bush and started bleeding.

He made a rope from his blood and pulled himself to the top.

When Izuku heard the bullies talking about going home he slowly started to climb down. About half way to the bottom Izuku's foot gets stuck and as he tries to yank it out Izuku slips.

As he falls, getting cut by branches izuku closes his eyes. He hears a crack before everything goes still.

When Izuku woke up his shirt was cover in blood and dirt. A buzz came from his pocket and he takes his phone out to see three messages for his mother.

Izuku when to call her to pick him up when he cause a glimpse of his neck in the phone screen. Going to the camera app Izuku furrows for eye brows assuming he just died from the impacted.

When his screen loaded a gasp escapes Izuku's lips as he starts tracing him new scar with his finger. A thick and jagged line wrapped around his throat and inches away from being a full circle.

Izuku had practically decapitated himself. Standing with wide eyes Izuku sees flowers growing and thriving in his puddlesof blood. Huh I guess my quirk grows plants too.


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