I am My Own Hero...Maybe (unedited)

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A/N: death, blood, self harm, suicide

The smell of nitroglycerin is getting stronger with each step I take, and my knees are starting to ache when I hear screaming, I have to keep going. When I turn right I stop for a moment when I spot a crowd around fire so I head straight for it.

Once i reach the crowd I'm behind everyone, I use my quirk and control their blood to part a path, I briskly walk to the front, ignoring all complaints until I reach the front.

Kacchan is in the same sludge I was in earlier and he's suffocating, no one is doing anything to try and stop the villain either. The sludge villain is panicking and just has Kacchan hostage so he thankful isn't going though the pain I did.
"Hey, what the fuck!" I yell making sure all eyes were on me."Why the hell aren't you hero doing anything!"
"Kid our quirks aren't suited for this!" I hear a hero yell in my direction as they try to keep the fire at bay.
"Does that fucking matter, that boy is slowly dieing because of you!" I scream in frustration, but then I hear people behind talk so I turn toward them,
"It's not like you can do anything"
"We just need to wait for All might"
"Just go home kid" and that was it.

I fully turn to Kacchan and bolt. Putting my arms out, grab on to the heros blood and pull making them fly forward. I stop in the centre of everything once I take control of their body's so so I can make them actually do something.

Now with my arms forward I get a hold of Kacchan and pull him out. I jump forward catch him making me fell to my knees. Staring at the sludge villain and Heros I concentrate so I don't loose control.

The sludge seem to be getting slower, so who every this is must be getting tried. Once he was arrested I bring my attention to Kacchan and notice he's dead.

"Hey kid that wasn't very safe, you and this kid need to come with me" a hero says.

The people are starting to walk away as they started muttering about me. I quietly sigh to myself before looking up at the hero "He's dead." I say with zero remorse.

It became so quiet you could hear a pin drop then everything is loud. Ignoring the panicked heros and news reporter I lift Kacchan off my legs and lay him on the ground so I can sit on my knees.

Grabbing my razor I slit my wrist and pinch kacchans cheaks so his mouth is open then let my blood drip into his mouth. I can tell all eyes are on me but I need to make sure kacchan will be okay.

When I let go of his mouth I then place my hand over it to check his breathing. Once I feel puffs of air I pull my hand back and slap him. Kacchan shot up and glared at me with a new bright red hand mark on his cheek, I smile at him innocently. That turned out to be a bad idea. Kaccham lunged at me, explosions poping from him hands

We basically rolling around, he was pulling my hair as I tried gabbing at his bruised throat to get him off me. Eventually I had enough, but all of the sudden I felt an ache in ny teech and I had the need to bite something. I bit his shoulder and my teeth started to bleed. My teeth broke his skin and the tasted his blood filled my mouth. It was almost spicy but so delicious.

I pulled away, licking my lips, kacchan held his forarm where I bit he and had a look of complete shock on his face. I could smell so much now. So much blood. Kacchan's face went red as he stood in anger and went to punch me. I put my hand up to protect myself but it started burn and than BAM there was an explosion. At first I thought it was Kacchan's bad aim but it was different, I did it.

I stood and slowly backed away from him. There was something in my mouth, I brought my hand up and spit out what every was inside, it was eight of my teeth. I dropped them to the ground and reach up to feel where they were missing only to find fangs. Four on top and four on the bottom.

My face and hands are covered in blood, when I look up everyone is looking at me but the Heros look disgusted just like All might was earlier. Everyone was scared, I didn't mean to, it wasn't on purpose, I just wanted to be left alone, away from Kacchan. This isn't fair. Everyone's looking at me like I'm a monster. I need to run. run. Run. RUn. RUN.

I turn around to flee the scene, the heros start to mutter about my quirk, they know its name. How do they know, why do they hate it.

I run toward the few people that are still there and use the blood on my face to make a rope and manipulate it to stick to a light post so I can swing over them. The few people cry out as if I'm hurting them.

When I land on the ground I instantly bolt, I can feel tear welling in my eyes so I try to blind them away but crimson red covers my sight instead of tears.

The blood began to pour down my cheeks as I ran. I keep running until I reach my mother's and my apartment. When I'm home I'll be fine, I'll be alone, because she doesn't care, I love her but she doesn't care.

Once I see the apartment building in the distance my speed slows until I get to the elevator. I pull out my phone and check my face to see my eyes are a dark grey and are slowly fading back to their normal state. They must have been black before hand.

There are dried red streaks on my cheeks, I wipe at them with mine uniform sleeve. I open my mouth to see my fangs and wow, no wonder they thought I was a monster.
(Fangs at top)

The elevator dings and the doors open, I step out and reach into my pocket to grab my key. I stop infront for my door.

Now I know if I ingest blood I can use that person's quirk and I can smell blood. Blood, why is it so strong right now. There's alot of it, it's definitely not fresh, and it smells so familiar. My heart starts throbbing at my chest, my throat feels tight and my ear feel like their filled with cotton. It's so strong, too strong, I unluck the door and push it open.

Laying ten feet from me is my mother looking like she took a bath in her own blood. Ther was a gun laying near her. With a few steps forwards my mother, I collapse beside of her.

I go to grab my razor but my back pocket was empty, I must have accidentally left it. Standing I start toward the bathroom to grab another, I don't know why I'm so panicked. It's not like she's going to stay dead sfter I help.

When I have one I walk back with a bit of speed in my pace, still worried. I kneel down to her to and put the gun away with my foot.

I slit my wrist and poured it into her mouth, starting to feel dizzy from overuse. When I check her breathe there's nothing. I try again but still nothing. Again and again, my arms are littered with new scars and she's still dead.

"Oh," I say breathlessly, "there must be a time limit to my resurrections. She's really dead.... She succeeded.



A Wannabe HeroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang