Dont show him, tell him (unedited)

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A/N: violence

We just finished today's training on the beach and were resting on a clear spot we made when Hitoshi heard a noise coming from a box at the bottom of one of the trash mountains "Should we check izuku." He said leaning toward me.

I glance to him and then back to the box and focus. I can't smell human blood but there's something alive in there.

I take a step forward and smelt the air, Hitoshi definitely starring at me like I crazy.

I keep smelling the air to figure out what the blood belongs to when it clicks, "oh gods Hitoshi!" I laugh out of nowhere.

"What, what is it." He asks and just then a cat jumps out of a box.

He just stared as I ran up to it and lifted them up. "It's a girl." I tell him over my shoulder.

She had orange fur with white stripes and blue eyes, a cute ginger cat. "I think we should name her.....Nova" I speak again.

Hitoshi just continues to stare as Nova starts climbing to my shoulders. ".....why....Why were you smelling the air." He finally said.

My eyes widened as I tense and pull Nova off me to cradle her. I slowly walk to Hitoshi and give him her then sign *my quirk is more than you think. I'll.......I'll tell you later.*.


Izuku has been quiet the whole way to the store and I'm getting worried. Usually when we're in a peaceful area with no people he would talk me to death, but after I ask his about the smelling and the mention of his quirk he's gone silent.

We reach the front of a grocery store with Nova on my head and I stop him.

Hitoshi stopped me so he's probably going to get mad and hit me for being quiet.

"Izuku," he spoke "I know you have trouble talking about certain things but I want you to know I'll always be here for you. And if you don't want to talk about it now you don't have too, I will wait for yo-"

I wasn't expecting him to say that so I cut him off and jump into his arms and bury my face in his chest "I'll tell you. Soon." I whisper

Once we were in the store I started filling our cart to the brim with candy, letting Hitoshi push it around.

We went to check out but we have to go around group of teenagers. I recognize Bakugou and and two his friends and the three other girls I don't recognize at all but I can hear what their saying because of my heightened hearing.

Their talking about UA and how excited they are for bakugou. I try to continued my walk to checkout when BANG!

"Everybody on the ground! Put the money in my bag you bitch!" Some random guy is threatening the only cashier. And he has a gun so he probably has a non-physical quirk. "Izuku" I hear Hitoshi whisper.

I turn around and see he's on the ground with Nova curled in his chest but he looks terrified. I Glace around and see everyone else is too on the ground. "Hey little shit on the ground or I shot!" This guy shouts again this time at me.

Bakuguo is growling muttering about how he cant help because its illegal. Hitoshi looks so scared I have to do something. I have to speak.

"Why should I?" I ask almost sounding genuinely curious.
"Because you'll die dumbass!" He turns back to the cashier gun still pointing at me."Why haven't you put any money in!"
"It's probably empty." I say stepping to him.
"How the hell would you know that! Now on the ground!"
I take another step and say "The register is always emptied when morning and night shift changes. So it's either still empty or only has a few bucks in it."

He turns again and looks through the now open register to see nothing then whips his head at me, "I'm going to shot you if you don't back up!"
"You can do what you want, but the police were notified right when you started threatening people and if we're lucky even a pro or two are coming too." All this talking makes me want him to shot.
"Do you have some kinda death wish" he says out of nowhere.

To that I smile through my mask, nod my head and say starring into his eyes "yeah"


There's a sharp pinch in my stomach and when I look down at my shirt to see blood slowly staining it.

I hear a muffled cry from behind me. Hitoshi's crying. My eyes darken at the man as I heat his blood to the boiling piont because he made Hitoshi sad.

He started screaming so I stop my quirk. He fell to his knees then passed out. I look down again and reaching to my bullet wound and use my blood to pull the bullet out. Doing so made gasps come from the group. Dropping the bullet I slowly crouch to sit, Hitoshi rushed to me and pulls my head in his lap.

"What the fuck Izuku" He said breathlessly.
I slowly raise my shaking hands and sign.*I guess instead of telling you I showed you*

His eyes widened probably understanding me when I feel myself starting to heal. I never been shot so it's a bit weird, I guess since bullets push stuff around it heals slower but it's almost healed already.

"You're dieing" Hitoshi states.
I smile and try to laugh but instead I cough. *no, I'm healing. But I might die for a second*and just then I go limp.

Izuku went limp in my arms but he's still healing which lowers my panic a bit.

Three people around our age run over and crouch down "is he ok." "Are they dead." "what's going on." They all say at once.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed I stutter. "T-the wound is healing with his quirk but he did say he might die which is worrying but I-" "he's fine." Some blonde cuts me off.

"I'm in his middle school. Killed himself infront of me once. His quirk is called blood magic, it's the most creepiest one out there."and he leaves.

To that one of the girls pull out her phone and searches Blood Magic

Then she says aloud"Blood Magic, an ancient quirk that is thought to be the first blood quirk to exist. The user automatic heals themselves and can't be killed easily. They'll be able to manipulate blood to many extents including temperature, state of matter and telekinesis. The user's blood will also have healing properties that can grow plants, heal others, and even reverse the age and death. Some with this quirk gain a rare case where if they drink someone's blood they'll be able to use their quirk for a certain amount of time depending on how much blood they drank. Because this quirk has to do with blood the user can grow sharp teeth, have the ability to smell blood to the piont of know the type. This quirk is very dangerous for many reasons because blah blah"

"That's creepy." another one of the girls say before stand with the other two's arms in hand, "let's get away from this freak" then they walk away.

I look back down at Izuku, and cup his cheek. They start to stir and lean into my hand. A sad smile appears on my face, "what have you been through." I whisper

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