New Obstacle

33 0 0

Attempted/accidental murder

Izuku is on his way to school. This morning they woke up feeling uneasy. Izuku could tell something was going to happen but he didn't know what, where, or why.

Stepping into class and all eyes turn to him. Izuku was glared down as he made it to his desk. Whispers filled the air as Izuku sat down and grabbed the four red spider lilies that were always on his desk at the beginning of each school day.

Spider lilies are actually Izuku's favorite flower. He really likes how they look, but the thing Izuku loves about them the most is the meaning.

Finale good bye, Izuku thought, it's kind of ironic since the only way I'll die is old age. Well I mean you would think I would die of old age but there is a possibility that I'll never die, considering the fact I can't get sick anymore and my blood will just always heal me without my control. But if I take that into consideration the only way I would be a ble to die is if someone drained my blood and very quickly dried my body, but yet again when ever I've died of bloodloss in the past it was like I got a fresh new amount of blood so maybe I can't really di-

"Would you shut your trap nerd!"
"O-oh sorry k-kacchan"
Bakugou growled and sat back into his seat but turn his head to the side and asked, "who's fucking quirk are you even talking about.".

Surprised, Izuku looks up and sees that bakugou is serious. This confuses Izuku considering Bakugou was one of the only people Izuku told about his quirk. Though Bakugou said Izuku was just looking for attention so maybe he forgot.

" um-m m-mine kacchan"
"Huh the fuck do you mean mine, last I checked you didn't have a quirk"
"B-b-but I do, I told you a few years ago." Izuku says glancing around noting all eye were on them.

"Oh yeah nerd, then what's it called and what does it do." Bakugou grumbled with a hand up ready to let loose an explosion at Izuku.

" um well It's called blood magic and it mainly controls blood, you can search it up if you want to know more about it." Izuku blurts out, using their arms to cover their face.
Bakugou growled once again then turned to one of his lackeys and yelled "WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! SEARCH IT UP!"

One of kacchans 'friend's' whipped out their phone almost dropping it and typed something out before handing the phone to Bakugou.

After a moment bakugou started laughing "Pufff- yeah sure Deku. You totally have a quirk as strong as this" he said standing up as everyone started to snicker with him. "Deku, if you really want to be a hero stop lieing to yourself then take a swam dive off the roof and pray you have a REAL quirk in your next life."

At that everyone bursted into laughter including Izuku. When everyone noticed he was laughing they slowly when silent except for Izuku.

He slowly stood still laughing but then abruptly stopped and stared at bakugou with a dead look. He had never gone that far before. So many emotions were going through Izuku's head until it stopped on anger. Izuku decided to teach him a lesson.

Izuku leans over to Bakugou's ear and spoke into it."I will."
Walking out of the room Izuku could hear people say 'he wouldn't', and how 'he's just going to go cry'. All Izuku felt was tried.


Opening the roof door, wind blowing though Izuku's hair as he walk up to the legde and sat on it. After the walk to the roof Izuku thought over what he said and regetted it.

Izuku knew his classmates would hurt him more for what he just did but he likely get in trouble with the teacher if he jumps. Detention is the last thing Izuku wants to deal with right now.

Suddenly talking and laughter eruptes from the ground below him, people probably want to see if I'll actually jump. Izuku thought before he was roughly grabbed by his hair and arms by what seems to be multiple people.

"Awe, come on deku. Don't wanna jump now!" One mocked and izuku began to struggle.
They start pushing Izuku until he only has the edge of his shoes still on the roofs pavement.

"What's wrong deku!? Did you change your mind?!" Another laughs, "maybe you need a little push!"

The wind rushes by Izuku's ears as he fall some of the students on the ground screamed but Izuku can't help but hope that he doesn't wake up.

As the ground grew closer Izuku closed his eyes and hoped he wouldn't get in to much trouble.


Panicked chatter and police sirens filled the air as Izuku sat up, pulling a white sheet off his head. He grimace while looking down at himself, covered in blood.
"OH MY GOD HE'S ALIVE" a random shout ripped though the crowd making everyone fall silent.
"Wow you really didn't believe me. I'm hurt." Izuku muttered as he stand up.

Izuku stares at bakugou for almost a full minute then looked away. Izuku starts walking towards the paramedic as bakugou continued to yell at him. Before sitting next to the shock paramedics Izuku manipulated the blood on his body, that hadn't dried to puddle around him on the ground.

Sitting with the paramedics started checking Izuku's vitals as an officer began to ask Izuku about what happened. He explained his quirk and what happened in the classroom, the man wrote notes while Izuku spoke.

"So you jumped off the roof to prove your peers wrong?" The officer asked with an unamused eyebrow raised.
"No," Izuku answered slowly, wondering what his classmates had told the officer."while I was walking to the roof I had calmed down and realized actually jumping wouldn't benefit myself or any one else so I decided to just sit up there to gather my thoughts."

"And then you fall?" The officer asked looking extremely confuse.
"No," Izuku said again, "someone grabbed me. They were behind me as I wasn't able to tell exactly who, but then I recognize two of my classmates voices."

"Are you staying they pushed you." He said looking exhausted and like he didn't want to be here.

Izuku paused at the man tone, he didn't  believe him. Looking down Izuku quietly replied "I'm sure it was an accident."

The officer huffed and pulled out what looked like a phone but thicker and asked for Izuku's ID.

Furrowing his eyebrows Izuku slowly took the card out of his wallet and handed it to the man who practically ripped it from Izuku's hand.

Seeming to scan the card on the top of the device, a robotic 'clear' sounded from it before the office began to type on it.

As he wrote the officer started to tell Izuku what he was doing. "Since this is the first time illegal quirk usage will be put on your record I'm letting you off with a warning." He pocketed the device before handing Izuku with ID back, "Next time your caught doing some thing like this, I recommend not lying to the officer that is questioning you."

"But-" Izuku tried the cut him off.
"Your story isn't even believable, now as I was saying you won't be able to enter any heroic courses the tradional way because of the warning on your record, it also prohibits you from going to any quirk training facilities for about a year. If you try doing either the police will be contacted and you'd likely be fined" The officer finished before starting to walk away.

Izuku was completely shocked, he looked around and noticed the crowd had mostly dissipated and the paramedic had finish checking over him at some point. Izuku stood with a blank expression and walked back to his class to retrieve his bag.

Thank gods it's Friday.

A Wannabe HeroDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora