Chapter 4

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Yeosang looked in the mirror, checking whether he was overdressed or underdressed for the nth time today. He wore his favorite black turtleneck pullover along with his black trench coat secured with a belt to help accentuate his slim waist. He also wore a pair of black jeans, sported a pair of black ankle boots, and a black beret nested on his head to finish his look. He didn't apply too much make-up, just enough to cover his birthmark, and even wore simple jewelry. By the looks of it, he was dressed in black from head to toe making it look as if he was about to attend a funeral.

Whose funeral? Maybe his unhealed broken heart.

He sighs after taking another glimpse of his look before he takes his glasses and purse from the table and finally heads to the living area to wait for Wooyoung.

He was still wondering where Wooyoung is going to take him this evening because the last time his best friend told him to accompany him, he actually brought Yeosang to the dance studio that Wooyoung and San rented and where he will be working from now on. He wasn't expecting the surprise so, of course, it sent him to tears and a bit of playful smacking at Wooyoung.

The studio was spacious and well-lit. A huge mirror was placed on one side of the wall, a window wall on one side which shows the picturesque city view, and the remaining walls were soundproof. The flooring was made out of hardwood, suitable for any dance style and perfect for practicing high dance performance.

It was something that Yeosang wasn't expecting but it made him feel ecstatic.

He suddenly hears multiple knocks at the entrance door of his apartment and Yeosang heaves a sigh before going to the door to open and greet his best friend. He opens the door and is taken aback when he sees Wooyoung dressed in a black vest, topped with a black blazer, a pair of black slacks. He wore a pair of dress shoes and to finish off his looks, two silver chain necklaces of varied sizes encircled his neck beautifully. Now, Yeosang is really wondering where they are going. To a club? Party?

"Hi Sangie! Are you ready to go?" Wooyoung greets him with a cheshire smile.

It takes a few blinks and a head to toe look at his best friend for Yeosang to raise a brow at him and give him a judging look. "Where? To the club?" he asks. "Because by the looks of how you are dressed says it all..."

"Ouch! Rude??" Wooyoung replies, expressing it in feign hurt. "Did I not tell you where we are going?"

"You didn't even mention anything! You just told me to accompany you and to dress up nicely, not sexily!" Yeosang exclaims.

"I'll take your last statement as a compliment~" Wooyoung says, ignoring his distressed best friend. "Maybe because the place that we're going is a surprise that I didn't mention anything about..." he tells him with a smile.

It made Yeosang frown, slightly suspicious of him. "You're oddly full of surprises, Youngie. It's starting to scare me..." he says with playfully narrowing eyes.

"Be grateful I'm full of them" Wooyoung scoffs before he drags Yeosang out of his apartment. "Come on already!"

"Hey wait!" Yeosang protests and stops Wooyoung from walking him further away from his open wide apartment. "Let me lock my apartment first!" he lightly scolds him.

"Sorry Yeosang. I just got too excited...", his best friends says and lets go off Yeosang's arm and Yeosang walks back to his apartment to close and lock the door.

"It's alright. Let's go?" Yeosang says when he finally hooks his arm on Wooyoung's.

"Yeah, let's~" Wooyoung says with a smile.

They both left the vicinity and Wooyoung drove them to their unknown destination.

What Yeosang didn't know was that Wooyoung planned a welcome home party for him with all their close friends, and that is where they are heading right now. However, he didn't invite Jongho despite being close friends with him because he didn't want to risk the ex-couple being awkward and hurt with unresolved issues. It made him feel bad, but he thought that if they were able to resolve their issues and be on good terms again, Jongho could just take Yeosang on a date with just the two of them. He had high hopes for them, afterall.

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