Chapter 10

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TW: Sexual harassment, Alcohol consumption

Note: Another chapter where I challenged myself to write such a scene and had to revise it a lot of times until I feel satisfied with it. Also, a little heads up, I tried making the last part coincide with the previous chapter so I'm not sure if it turned out alright. Happy reading!


Dance classes ended a few days ago and this gave the opportunity for the 3 dance instructors to rest and plan for the next session. It was exhausting but the end results were always satisfying and heart-filling. It was worth it, especially when they see their students enjoying and having fun.

"Sangie, are you sure you don't want to come with us to Namhae? Sannie can accommodate another room in their house for you..." Wooyoung asked him, one day, while they were having coffee and cupcakes at Utopia cafe. As usual, it was the YunGi couple who took their orders. Wooyoung didn't attempt to ask about Jongho's whereabouts since Yeosang refused to look for a table for them since the cafe wasn't that full and there were plenty of vacant seats to choose from. The couple played it cool but silently wished that the younger male doesn't visit them any time soon with his friends. Yunho gave Jongho a day off as his rest day since he had just finished submitting a major group requirement that mentally drained all of them, and because Yunho valued Jongho's health, he insisted that he take a break.

Yeosang nodded his head while chewing, "I'm sure and besides I want you to spend more time with San's family because you're going to get married soon, you know? I think a strong family bond with your future husband's family is an important aspect..."

Wooyoung giggled at that and took a bite of the vanilla cupcake he ordered. "I'm practically part of the family, Sangie..."

"Of course you are..." Yeosang says, rolling his eyes playfully with a smile. "But I'm really happy for you. You and San are literal soulmates since the day you got hit by that ball—"

"I thought we agreed to forget about that one!" Wooyoung exclaimed and glared at Yeosang, making the latter laugh. He really hated reminiscing about his first time meeting with San. He hated him but San showed great effort to apologize and make up for the accident until Wooyoung eventually forgave him, but the latter did not stop showing his effort and interest in him. Not that he was trying to steal Wooyoung from Yeosang, but he developed an instant crush on him.

"But you gotta admit that there were singing angels the moment San came running towards you, right?" Yeosang teases while grabbing his iced Americano.

Wooyoung knows that he's not fond of such a drink, but he guesses that it's because of a particular person that Yeosang doesn't want to admit.

"I thought I was sent straight to heaven when I heard it, but who knew he was going to be my future husband..." Wooyoung answers back with a bright smile. If Yeosang noticed the pink blush coloring his cheeks, he didn't tell him.

"I think that was really romantic"

"I think that was embarrassing as shit"

Yeosang laughs again as he puts down his drink. "Don't be like that, Youngie!", he says in between his laughs while covering his mouth. "You know that San was head over heels for you that day..."

"I hated him at first..." Wooyoung says it with a wave of a hand.

"But you fell harder..." Yeosang points it out with a grin.

And Wooyoung softly smiles at that, "Yeah, I did..."

Minutes of comforting silence enveloped them as they ate and drank their cupcakes and coffee before Wooyoung opened another topic.

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