Chapter 15

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*Italic- flashbacks

Note: Yeosang's turn! You can refer to the prologue chapter for Yeosang's past. Happy reading!


They finally arrived at Yeoang's apartment, and Yeosang pondered whether this was a good chance to talk to Jongho. Suddenly, he felt nervous and anxious again. Oh, why did their trip and conversation have to end this quickly? Now, he's losing confidence that everything will turn out alright between them.

"J-Jongho?" Yeosang called, stuttering, as he averted his gaze at the young latter behind. He suddenly felt afraid and small, now that it was just the two of them. No Wooyoung or Seonghwa to encourage him. Just him and Jongho.

"Yeosang-hyung?" Jongho questioned, confused at the way he was called. It was as if he was scared to tell him something.

"We–We need to...t-talk, right?" Yeosang stuttered, his entire self shaking from nervousness.


Of course. How could Jongho forget? It was the reason why he accompanied Yeosang home, to talk and mend, and to have closure.

"Yeah," he answered, nodding cautiously. Jongho was sure he was mentally prepared for this but he couldn't shake off the growing anxiety that it wouldn't go well.

Yeosang nodded back and turned towards the door to unlock it. With each passing second felt like he was being suffocated by an unknown force, making him ache for air. But he has to do this– he needs to do this. They both entered his apartment and Jongho just stood in the living area, waiting. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before opening them and turning around to face the younger latter.

'You can do this,' He told himself, trying to reassure him that he can do this.

But when he looked at Jongho, Yeosang felt his tears starting to brim and his vision getting blurry now that he realized that he is standing a few feet away from him, looking at him with those gumdrop eyes he adored so much. Jongho's expression was unreadable, making the latter even more anxious and scared of what the younger was thinking.

Does he still hate me?

Will Jongho listen to me this time?

I still have a chance to fix things, right?

Will he forgive me?

Will he reject me?

Questions filled his head the more he stared at the young latter before him.

'They say if you love the person, you will let them go. So, here goes nothing Yeosang, let him go once he doesn't want you anymore so that you can move on already, okay? You can still be friends with him, right?' Yeosang said to himself, prickling his already hurting heart.

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