Chapter 5

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Exams in the morning session were already done and most of the students were already going home, having lunch at the cafeteria while reviewing, cramming their homeworks and reviewers in the library, or just loitering around the campus while waiting for the next scheduled exam. Jongho and his friends, however, decided to go to Jongho's cousin's cafe "Utopia cafe" to have a group study.

"Han, stop checking your phone and start reviewing if you don't want to fail Mr. Kim's class", Hyunjin sternly warned Han when he noticed Han on his phone again.

Seungmin and Jongho momentarily glanced at them from their reviewer notes, but went to review again and ignored them.

"But I'm taking a break!" Han whined with a pout, but Hyunjin glared at him.

"Seungmin and Jongho had been reviewing since we arrived here while you had yourself glued to that phone!" Hyunjin scolded. "Enough with that!" He adds and swiftly takes Han's phone away from him and places it inside his bag.

"Noooo!" Han screamed, causing some customers to turn to the group, and tried reaching for the blonde's bag but Seungmin immediately took it without looking and put it beside him. "Y'all mean!" Han complained and folded his arms in front of him like a kid in tantrums, and frowned at the couple.

Seungmin let out a sigh and put his notes down to look at him. "Han, we'd like you to pass this test, so please review. You can use your phone later.", he gently but strictly tells him and goes back to reading his notes again.

Han lets out a grunting sound and proceeds to slouch on the chair even further until his chin hits the table. His furrowed brows and pout still evident in his face as he stares at the paper Jongho was holding. He doesn't really have the motivation to review because he hates the subject, so what's the use?

"Here..." Jongho says, sliding another paper towards him, after glancing at their sulking friend and noticing that he was looking at his reviewer. "You can review chapter 5, I'm done with it anyway. Tell me if you don't understand anything there..." he adds, looking at him expectantly, hoping that he takes his offer and review. Han raises himself a little bit, holds the reviewer into his hands, and scans its contents. His furrowed brows become deeper as he turns the paper to scan the other contents. He turns his gaze at Jongho, requesting him in silence for help.

"Come here..." Jongho softly tells him, barely enough for the SeungJin couple to hear, and pats the space beside him. Han shifts and moves from his seat and goes beside Jongho, so he can help him.

Jongho and Han start reviewing together, with Han occasionally asking questions to topics he couldn't understand and Jongho was willing to help him understand. Hyunjin and Seungmin smiled at them when they glanced at the two to see them reviewing together.

Yunho had just finished restocking the pantry display when he took a glance at Jongho and his friends studying near the window. He let out a chuckle when one of them started whining but had to be lightly scolded by the blonde and the brunette. It brought back memories during his high school days when Mingi kept complaining about having to review for exams while the rest of their friends were just about to take their reviewers and books out. He remembered Hongjoong lightly hitting him with a notebook and scolding him for it. He elicits a smile reminiscing that memory and turns to glance at Mingi, who was tending a cute kid customer.

"Okay, one box of chocolate chip cookies for our big boy", Mingi chimed with a smile as he slightly bent over the counter to give the box to the boy. The young child took it with a shy smile and thanked him before running towards his mother, who was waiting for him near the entrance door. Mingi waved at them and watched them leave the cafe together,

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