Chapter 17

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Note: JongSang's first official hangout! Is it even a hangout hangout? I'm sorry if some scenes are cliché or cheesy hehehe Happy reading!

*Italicized- flashbacks

Disclaimer: I have never been to the places mentioned in this chapter, so forgive me for my inaccuracies. I only searched these places on the internet. I would appreciate it if you could correct me or share your experiences about these places. Thank you!


A week later, just as they promised to hang out, Jongho waits for Yeosang outside his apartment. It was getting chillier these days, so he opted to wear one of his thick sweaters and long coats. They talked about where they would be going, and Yeosang suggested Han river just because he wanted to, while Jongho suggested Bears Town. The older latter teased him, saying he didn't know they were visiting his hometown. They planned their trip from the places they were to go; to the street foods they wanted to try and eat. Yeosang suggested they meet around 8 am, but Jongho offered to pick him up at his apartment. Of course, he had to inform Yunho and Mingi about this because he didn't want them to worry.

The couple was playing a video game in the living area when Jongho, the menace he is to get their attention, went in front of the tv screen and purposely made them lose in their game.

"You're a little shit sometimes, Jjong. You're lucky that I love you and your cousin," Mingi grumbled as he glared at him while his boyfriend cooed at him.

"Jjong, make sure to wear something thick. It's getting chillier these days," Yunho had reminded him when he told them about his agenda with Yeosang. As usual, he rolled his eyes jokingly in response to his cousin's concern which led Yunho to smack his head with a throw pillow from the couch. "I mean it! I don't want you getting sick and becoming a red nose baby bear!"

"I'm not a baby bear, hyung!" Jongho whined when he mentioned that awful nickname.

"To us, you are and always will be, so deal with it," the older argued back and pulled his tongue out at him.

Jongho grunted and left for his bedroom to change.

Jongho rubbed his gloved hand before bringing it to his mouth and puffing hot air to warm them up. It was getting chilly, and the temperature would drop to negative degrees in the coming days. While waiting, he observes his surroundings. He never got to see the neighborhood properly because the first time he entered this unfamiliar property was when he found out that Yeosang had returned from New York. It was like a suburban area. It was peaceful. Something Yeosang would want and need if he ever gets rough days. He remembered the WooSan couple living a few blocks away from Yeosang so they could visit him as often as they could—as if they didn't see him at work every day. While he continues to gaze at the neighborhood before him, he is oblivious to someone going out of the convenience store and approaching him a few feet away.


The male averted his attention from the voice that called him. "Oh? Lee Know-hyung?" He shockingly said, surprised to see Han's boyfriend. "You live here?" He noticed that he was carrying a plastic bag of food and drinks.

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