My flame - Chapter 36

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After spending the rest of the day in your room with Dabi you decided to go out for a late night walk. Dabi was already asleep so you snuck out quietly. You keep thinking about what Shigaraki said to you. *Could he be right?* You know first-hand that feelings can make you reckless in battle. You have jumped in front of Dabi without thinking enough times to believe it. *Maybe he would be safer without me.*

You continue walking down the street looking at the ground as you are deep in thought when you suddenly bump into someone.

"Watch it extra!"

Y/N: "Sorry."

You keep your head down when he suddenly grabs your hand.


You look up at him, stunned for a moment.

Y/N: "Bakugou?"

Bakugou: "Where have you been?!"

Y/N: "Let me go!"

You try to pull your hand free from his grip, but he pulls you closer into his embrace. He holds you against him with his one arm around your waist and his other hand cradling your head to his chest. He whispers:

Bakugou: "Do you know how worried I was about you?"

You look up at him seeing tears forming in his eyes. Your whole stance softens at the sight.

Y/N: "I'm OK, I promise." You say in a soft, almost broken, voice. He continues holding you close for a few more minutes until someone else approaches you.

Shoto: "You found Y/N"

Bakugou: "I told you I would."
Shoto looks at you and you look down again feeling like you can't look him in the eyes.

Shoto: "Why did you leave like that?"

Y/N: "I just don't belong there anymore."

Shoto: "We know you protected a villain from my father."

You back away from them thinking they are trying to corner you.

Bakugou: "Back off icy-hot! You're scaring her."

Shoto: "I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean it that way. I told Mr. Aizawa that it's probably just because you don't like seeing people get hurt."

Y/N: "Why would you do that?"

Shoto: "Because it's true, isn't it?"

Y/N: "How would you know that, you don't even know me. Not really."

Shoto: "I've known you since we were small, you used to be friends with my brother."

Y/N: "Your brother?"

Shoto: "Yes. Toya."

You freeze at the mention of his name.

Y/N: "Toya is... your brother?"

Shoto nods at you as tears start to brim in your eyes.

Y/N: "But Endeavour is... Y-Your father."

You feel the anger rise in you as Shoto nods again.

Y/N: "Toya was killed by his own father?!"

You feel your body heat going up as Shoto approaches you and places his hand on your arm. You jerk away from him.

Y/N: "Don't touch me!"

Bakugou comes closer and tries to grab you again but you pull away before he could.

Shoto: "Y/N you're burning up, are you sick?"

You glare at Shoto.

Y/N: "How can you stand being around your father when he's the one that killed your brother!"

Shoto: "He has changed. He's made an effort to be a better father. Even Natsuo has started accepting him."

Y/N: "That doesn't bring Toya back!"

Hearing Shoto defend him only made you angrier. Suddenly flames started to form around your body and all you could think of was killing Endeavour.

Shoto used his ice to put out your flames. Bakugou approaches you again.

Bakugou: "Y/N what happened? Are you ok?"

As he reaches for you, you decide to run away from them. You don't know what's happening to you and you don't want to hurt them. You don't want to hurt anyone except for Endeavour. You hear them in the distance looking for you so you duck into a dark alleyway. After a while their voices have disappeared so you walk out again, putting your hood over your head so people couldn't recognize you so easily. You walk until you find an old abandoned building and decide to camp out there. You think about Dabi and how you burned him when your anger got the best of you and Shigaraki's words come into your mind again. You can't go back to Dabi and be the reason he gets hurt. You decide that this will be where you stay and get strong enough to kill Endeavour. You don't want to be the person that hurts the one you love.

My flame - Dabi x fem Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now