My flame - Chapter 73

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It's been two weeks and today you have another appointment with Kuruo to see the baby. You and Dabi walk down to the infirmary together. He has the biggest grin on his face and he walks happily, holding your hand in his. You arrive at the infirmary to find Kuruo already waiting with the machine ready. Dabi lifts you up onto the bed and you lay back and lift your shirt. You can already see a little bump forming.

Kuruo squirts the cold jelly on your stomach. It feels nice, your body has been running hot for the last week. He lowers the attachment onto your belly and moves it around. Suddenly the sound of a fast heartbeat is heard through the room and he turns the screen to you and Dabi.

Kuruo: "There's the little one,"

He points to the screen where you can see the shape of a baby floating.

Kuruo: "And that sound is the baby's heartbeat."

You feel so much love for your little one already. Dabi gently squeezes your hand and you look over to him seeing his eyes fixated on the screen.

Kuruo: "Would you like me to print the picture out?"

Y/N: "Yes please."

Dabi: "Can you make two?"

Kuruo: "Sure."

Kuruo prints out a copy for each of you and hands it to you before he wipes the jelly off.

Kuruo: "Everything is going well with the baby, it's growing perfectly. I'd like to see you every 4 weeks just to check on the baby and you."

You nod as you pull down your shirt. You throw your legs off the bed and stand up ready to head out. Dabi stands up, holding the picture of your baby in his hands. He doesn't take his eyes off of it. He walks with a grin on his face as you leave the infirmary. You walk into the bar and everyone looks to you and Dabi.

Toga: "Big sis! How did it go?"

Twice: "Is everything OK with the baby?"

Spinner: "Is it a boy or a girl?"

You laugh.

Y/N: "It went fine, baby is doing great, we don't know what it is yet."

As you are talking Dabi walks to them, showing the picture of your baby to everyone. He grins as everyone looks at it and talks about the baby. You can't help but chuckle. He looks like a proud dad showing off his kid's achievements.

You all gather around the TV for another movie night. Dabi sits down and pulls you onto his lap, placing his hand on your belly. He gives you a gentle kiss on your cheek. Toga picks out a horror movie as usual. Dabi sighs.

Dabi: "Another horror show?"

Toga: "What's wrong with it?"

Dabi: "Enjoy it while you can. You're not watching that around our baby."

Toga: "I would never scare our nugget."

Dabi rolls his eyes and Toga goes to sit next to Twice, leaning her head on his shoulder. You smile at them. They've been getting closer lately.

Toga plays the movie and you all sit quietly and watch it. When the movie is over you have dinner together. Just as you finish dinner Shigaraki walks into the bar. You immediately get up to leave.

Shigaraki: "Y/N wait."

You glare at him and Toga and Dabi each stand by your side.

Shigaraki: "Can we talk in private?"

Toga: "I don't think so."

Dabi: "You're not going to upset my wife."

Shigaraki: "I just want to apologise."

Toga: "You can do it here; she's not going anywhere with you."

Y/N: "You two know I can speak for myself right?"

Dabi pulls you aside while Toga keeps glaring at Shigaraki.

Dabi: "Do you want to talk to him?"

Y/N: "Maybe it's a good idea to put all this behind us. I don't want to raise our baby in a place where we can't get along."

Dabi: "Fine, but you're not going to be alone with him. I'm staying right here."

You nod and motion for Shigaraki to come over. He walks to you and Dabi stops him a bit away from you.

Shigaraki: "I don't want to hurt her."

Dabi: "I don't trust you."

Y/N: "What do you want Shigaraki? Say what you want to say and get it over with."

Shigaraki: "I want to say sorry for what I did. I know it wasn't right to come between you and Dabi. In that moment I only wanted to try before it was too late, but I realise now it already was and all I did was hurt you."

You stay quiet, thinking over what he said.

Shigaraki: "You were nice to me, you tried to help me. No-one has ever done that before without ulterior motives and I ruined it. I truly am sorry."

He turns and walks away. You feel bad for him; you know how it feels when no-one cares but at least you had Toya. You and Dabi walk back to your room as you think about Shigaraki. Maybe you should give him another chance.

You both lay down in bed. You feel exhausted even though you had a calm day. Dabi lays down next to you. He moves down to your stomach and places a kiss on your belly as he whispers:

Dabi: "Goodnight little one, daddy loves you."

You smile as he comes back up and places a kiss on your lips. He pulls you into his arms and gives you another kiss on your forehead.

Dabi: "Goodnight little mouse. I love you."

Y/N: "I love you too. Goodnight my love."

My flame - Dabi x fem Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now