My flame - Chapter 57

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Kuruo walks in and checks Dabi's stitches.

Kuruo: "You should be fine to head to your room now."

Dabi: "I wanted to ask you something."

Kuruo: "Go ahead."

Dabi: "What do you think Y/N's quirk is?"

Kuruo: "I have a theory. Long ago I knew someone that had similar experiences to hers. Her quirk was called manifest. She could use a lot of different power but she could only use it to protect or defend someone she loved."

Dabi: "Where is she now? I'd like to talk to her about it."

Kuruo: "She died when she lost control of her quirk."

Dabi: "Did she have a family I could talk to?"

Kuruo: "She had a husband and two kids, a boy and girl. After she died her husband abandoned their kids and no one knows where they are now."

Dabi: "I see."

You walk into the room and stare at Dabi and Kuruo.

Y/N: "So how is he doing?"

Kuruo: "You can take him back to your room, but he still has to take things easy."

You nod and walk over to Dabi. He slowly sits up and you put your arm around him supporting him as he gets up. He puts his arm over your shoulders while holding his side with his other hand and you help him to your bedroom. After helping him onto the bed you turn to walk out.

Y/N: "I'll be right back love; I'm going to get you some dinner."

He nods and you walk out heading back down to the bar.

Y/N: "Kurogiri could you put some dinner together for Dabi?"

Kurogiri: "Sure."

You turn to Shigaraki.

Y/N: "Shigaraki can I talk to you in private?"

Shigaraki nods and gets up. The two of you walk down the hall into an unoccupied room.

Y/N: "I'd like to know the real reason you don't approve of me and Dabi."

Shigaraki: "I told you, emotions aren't good in our line of business."

Y/N: "I don't think that's the real reason. Tell me the truth."

He keeps quiet.

Y/N: "I saw how sad you looked when you saw us together."

He looks down.

Y/N: "I want to clear the air with you before we get married."

Shigaraki: "It's just..."

You look at him, urging him to keep talking.

Shigaraki: "I- I'm in love with Dabi. I have been for a while."

Y/N: "Did you ever tell him that?"

He shakes his head.

Y/N: "I'm sorry for your heartache. That wasn't my intention. You could still tell him if you want to, even if it's just to get some closure."

Shigaraki: "I don't think so, I'd appreciate it if this conversation stayed between us."

Y/N: "Of course."

He turns around and walks out. You could tell that what he said was true and you feel bad for him. You know what it's like to lose the person you love. That doesn't mean you'll give Dabi up.

You walk back to the bar and get Dabi's dinner from Kurogiri. You head back to your room and sit down on a chair next to the bed while handing him his food.

Dabi: "Thanks for taking care of me little mouse."

Y/N: "You can thank me by not getting yourself killed."

He chuckles.

Y/N: "I'm serious Toya. No more going on missions alone, I want to go with you."

Dabi: "No, you have to stay out of fights. I can't risk losing you again."

Y/N: "Well neither can I. Either you agree to this or I'm telling Shigaraki to give me all your missions. I'm more disposable to him than you are so he will do it."

Dabi: "Fine. I'll take you with me. But you have to promise you'll stay out of fights."

Y/N: "I will stay out if it can be helped but I'm not watching you die Toya. I can't watch you die again."

He reaches his hand to you and wipes the stray tear you didn't realise had escaped.

Dabi: "I'm sorry, little mouse. I've put you through so much."

Y/N: "None of it was your fault. I just can't stand to lose you again."

Dabi: "I'll be here with you for as long as I am alive."

Y/N: "Then you better live forever."

My flame - Dabi x fem Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now