My flame - Chapter 66

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(Dabi POV)

It's been a week with no contact and she finally came to talk to me. I couldn't help myself, the moment she walked into our room I took her into my arms and held her. She put her arms around me and for the first time in a week I felt at ease.

Y/N: "This doesn't mean I'm back, it just means I missed you too much to stay away any longer."

Dabi: "I know little mouse. I just want to hold you for a little while."

She doesn't object. She rests her head against my chest as I stroke her hair, taking in her fragrance. We talk for a little while before she heads back to her old room. My heart sinks in my chest at the thought of not having her next to me again tonight, but she agreed to see me every day until she is ready to come back to me and that gives me hope. I wish it would happen faster but I'll give her the time she needs.

I visit her every day in her old room and she lets me stay longer every time. We're getting back to where we were before Shigaraki's stunt. I haven't seen him since Y/N came back, he's been avoiding me and I prefer it that way. Kurogiri gave me a mission to go on and I know Y/N is going to want to come with me so I head to her room to tell her. I'd prefer it if she stayed here, where she is safe, but I'm not risking upsetting her again.

I walk into her room and hear her in the bathroom. It sounds like she is throwing up. I walk in just as she stands up.

Dabi: "What's wrong little mouse?"

Y/N: "I'm just not feeling well, probably something I ate."

Dabi: "You should see Kuruo."

Y/N: "I don't think that's necessary. I'm sure I'll be fine later."

Dabi: "I came to tell you I got a mission."

Y/N: "Where are we going?"

I can't help but chuckle at that. She's definitely not letting me go alone.

Dabi: "Just to get some intel from Hawks. You could stay, it won't be dangerous."

Y/N: "Yeah right. I'm going with you and that's final."

I just nod at her and try to believe my own words. It's won't be dangerous.

We sat on her bed and talked until she fell asleep. I watched her for a while before I went back to our room. I would like nothing more than to stay the night with her but I won't do that until she asks me. I spend another sleepless night alone in our bed, staring at the stars on the ceiling. I grab her pillow like I've done every night since she left, her scent is barely on it anymore but it still brings me some comfort. As morning arrives I go to her old room again so we can get ready for the mission. I find her throwing up and walk to her side to rub her back. It worries me that she still isn't better and she has a fever now too. She still insists on heading out with me so I take her hand in mine and we go to the meet-up. Everything goes smoothly until we head back and my father corners us. She steps in front of me and I immediately place her behind me. I would give my life to protect her, I wish she would stop putting herself in harm's way for me. If something happens to her I won't stick around anyway.

Y/N: "Is it because I made you realise what a shitty father you were to Toya? You can rot in hell."

I can't help the smirk that forms on my face when she tells my father off. *My feisty little mouse.*

Endeavour: "Maybe if you didn't waste his time he would've been stronger, but instead he hung around a useless girl like you."

The moment those words came out of his mouth my anger took over. I'm not letting anyone talk to my future wife like that. I attacked him, making sure my flames wouldn't hit her. He aims an attack for me but before I could stop her she steps in front of me taking a hit to the abdomen. My heart sinks in my chest and I make sure she's ok and out of the way before we continue fighting. Endeavour gets a hit in on my freshly healed wound and I grunt in pain. The next thing I see is her standing in front of me and my father flying through the air.

After being stunned for I moment I look at her and she drops to the ground. I grabbed her feeling sheer panic. *Please be ok.*

My flame - Dabi x fem Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now