My flame - Chapter 89

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It's been a month and it's time to go home. Takashi will be here to pick you up in a few hours. You and Dabi pack up everything and take your luggage to the beach. It's been so peaceful being here, just the three of you. You've had so much fun. The time passed by much too quickly.

Soon you see the boat dock at the beach and Takashi lets down the walkway for you.

Takashi: "It's nice to see you again. Did you all have fun?"

You nod and look back at the forest. You wish you didn't have to leave.

Takashi: "Don't worry about the luggage, we'll bring it up for you. The three of you can head on to the ship and relax. We'll have dinner after you have unpacked and then I get to hold this little guy again."

He says as he tickles Toya's belly. You walk onto the boat and greet the crew members. Everyone greets you back happily. You see Rin and two others walk to your room with the luggage and follow so you can unpack. You know the trip back will take a few days and you'll need access to Toya's things. You get to the room and Dabi helps you unpack while Toya sits on a blanket playing with his toys. He's growing up too fast. After unpacking Dabi picks Toya up and you both lay down on the bed. Dabi lifts Toya in the air and he giggles. He keeps doing it a few more times until you heard something.

Little Toya: "Dada."

Dabi freezes and looks at you.

Dabi: "Did he just say..."

You smile at him and nod and he pulls little Toya close to his chest. He has a look of pure happiness in his eyes as he cuddles Toya. He lays Toya down between you and turns to place a kiss on your lips.

Dabi: "Thank you little mouse."

Y/N: "For what?"

Dabi: "For giving me our perfect son, for being my amazing wife and for agreeing to marry this monster."

Y/N: "Stop saying that!"

Dabi: "I'm sorry little mouse."

You can see the reluctance in his eyes. He would never accept himself the way he is. You wish more than anything that you could make him believe he isn't a monster. That he is still the same beautiful boy that played with you in the forest. You lean in and kiss him, pouring all your love for him into the kiss. You pull away and open your eyes. Shock overcomes you.

Y/N: "T-Toya, y-your face..."

He reaches his hand up to his face and places iton his cheek, his eyes turn to shock and he reaches his hand in front of him to look at it.

Dabi: "Little mouse... How did you do that? My scars... They're gone."

Y/N: "I- I don't know."

You're still in shock looking at Toya. He looks like the boy in the forest, but with black hair. He kisses you again.

Dabi: "Thank you little mouse."

You lay quietly on the bed still in shock, until you hear a knock on the door. Dabi gets up to open it.

Takashi: "I just wanted to.... What the fuck happened to your face?"

You can hear Dabi laughing and imagine Takashi's shocked expression.

Dabi: "It looks like my wife has healing abilities too."

Takashi: "Holy shit man. This is what you used to look like?"

Dabi: "I guess so."

Takashi is quiet for a few minutes before he clears his throat and says;

Takashi: "Dinner is ready. I came to get you."

Dabi: "We'll be right there."

Dabi closes the door and turns to you.

Dabi: "I guess we should head up."

You nod and get up, picking little Toya up while Dabi takes his stroller to bring with just in case you need it. The three of you head to dinner and see shocked faces looking at Dabi from all around the table. Takashi comes over to you and holds his arms out.

Takashi: "Can I hold the little guppy now?"

You nod and place Toya into his arms. He smiles and cradles him.

Takashi: "He looks just like you now that your scars are gone. I didn't see it before."

You all sit down and enjoy dinner together. For the first few minutes everyone asked about Dabi's scars until Takashi told them to stop. Then everything went back to normal conversation and you enjoyed the rest of the night until you headed back to your room to rest. You laid the sleeping Toya down in his crib while you and Dabi fell on the bed exhausted and drifted off to sleep.

My flame - Dabi x fem Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now