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"Mama I'm home" is the first thing I said as I walked through the door "Welcome home sweetie" she says as she's fixing her color."Awww man you're leaving already? i thought we could watch a movie before you left" I said pouting "Sorry honey my boss called earlier saying that i had to come early today" she said as she was checking her bag to see if everything is inside "Another time okay?" she suggest before kissing me on my head "Okay" I said slightly disappointed but still smiled.

After mom left the house was quiet. I got bored quickly and decided to go to the conveniece store and get some snacks before I do homework. I put on my shoes and go outside I start walking but i stopped to check and see if I locked my front door, mom would end me if our apartment got robbed because my dumbass forgot to lock the door. As expected it was locked. I facepalmed myself for being dumb and continued walking.

As I reached the end of the stairs I wanted to listen to some music so i put in my earphones and played 505 by Arctic Monkeys. I got to the store right before the song finished but i didnt take my headphones out i kept it in but no music was playing. I do this because I don't want people talking to me but I still want to hear if they're making shitty comments behind my back. Works everytime.

I walk into the store not really paying attention to my surroundings. I stop walking once im in the store scanning the aisles looking for one particular item. Found it. Once I spot the yakisoba I walk straight to the last aisle finding two boys standing in the way. I continue walking in the aisle but do I ask them to move their asses? No instead i wait for them to move like the patient person I am.

Two minutes has gone by and I lost my patience.

I made my way to the boys "Excuse me but here are other people who also want to shop so do you mind moving?" I asked very politely. The two boys looked at me and only then I noticed how attractive they were. One was taller than the other, the taller one had long black hair, he also had a very defined jawline. His friend was equally as attractive he was shorter than his black haired friend, he had blond hair with an undercut, he also had blue eyes which was so pretty. They gave me a questioning look and I raised an eyebrow

"Oh excuse us" the short blond one said as they moved out of the way. I didn't say anything after that. after a few seconds of standing there trying to decide what flavor of peyoung yakisoba to get, I hear some whispers behind me, I didn't turn around but i tried to hear what they were talking about "I'm telling you chifuyu she goes to our school" one of them whisper yelled to the other "Shut up she's going to hear you" the one named Chifuyu whispered back. After a while of them whispering to each other I turned around clearly having enough of their shit "Mind telling me why you've been whispering about me for the pass five minutes" I asked them raising an eyebrow. They both slowly turned their heads towards me checking if they had heard me correctly.

"We didn't mean to be rude, we were just wondering if you went to XXXX high school?" Chifuyu asked looking kinda nervous. I looked at my school uniform that I was still wearing and noticed it matched theirs "Yeah I do" I simply stated. They made an 'oh' sound and turned around to leave "Hey" I called and they both turned around to look at me "You the tall one can you get me that last packet of yakisoba" I asked. The tall boy smirked showing his fangs. Kinda hot. "What's the magic word?" He asked teasing me "The fuck? what am I five?" I asked earning a chuckle from his friend "Guess no yakisoba for you then" He shrugged his shoulders turning around to walk away. Eventually I caved "No wait" He stopped looking back, I sighed "Please" I whispered "Mmm I didn't quite hear you mind repeating that?" he said leaning down putting his hand behind his ear as if he were half deaf " I said please now give me my fucking yakisoba" I said losing my temper.

"Okay jeez" he reached for the packet of yakisoba on the top shelf "here you go girly now calm your crazy ass down" he said while handing me the packet " Thank you" I said in a low voice " huh I didn't get that" he said mockingly "You heard me the first time" I said giving him the side eye. "See you around school i guess" I said walking away.




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