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Another day, another fucking alarm going off next to my ear.

I put off my alarm and start my morning routine and go downstairs. "Morning mama" I greet mom and give her a peck on the cheek "Morning n/n"

After a half an hour or so I finish my breakfast and put on my shoes by the door "I'm off mom" "Bye love,have a good day at school" walking down the last flight of stairs I spot a familiar blonde waiting at the end of it, so being the nice friend I am, I decided to give him a little scare hehe

"Do you believe in our lord and savior Jesus christ" (iykyk)

"What the actual fuck- oh hey y/n"

I giggle a little "Hey Chifuyu, whatchu doing here?" I ask, already knowing the answer "Waiting for baji" "Of course you are" I playfully roll my eyes.After about 20 minutes of waiting I got impatient "Where the fuck is he? We're gonna be late for school" "I don't know, he said he'd be here in 5 minutes"

"That bitch really has no concept in time, let's just go to his door" I say already walking to the 5th floor.Now, you see me, chifuyu and baji has been friends for about 3 or so weeks now so I kinda know them well by now and I know this bitch is probably still eating breakfast.

We get to his door and I knock and go in because his mom isn't home, so we just go in and guess who the fuck is still stuffing his face with waffles? You guessed it "Keisuke we were waiting for you for 20 fucking minutes and you're here stuffing your face?" I asked,kinda irritated because I don't want another detention for being late because of these two idiots.

He swallowed his food "Sorry, got carried away" I facepalmed "Whatever, let's just go" I say as I drag baji by his arm "Hey watch it" "We literally only have like 15 minutes until school start so move your ass and lets go"

We finally got to school at 7:56 and went to our classes so that we're not late. We get to class and I take my seat behind Chifuyu, finishing some incomplete homework. Some minutes later the bell rang and the classroom started to fill up and the teacher came into class, clearing his throat so that the class can quiet down.

"Okay class I have an announcement, we have a new student joining us today" the class got real quiet,real quick "Come on in" on queue a girl with long black hair and blue-ish gray eyes came into the room "Please introduce yourself" The girl looked at the class and she didn't even look nervous

Woah she looks confident

"Hello everyone, my names Yuki Nakamura" She said and bowed.

As she looked up, she made eye contact with Chifuyu and I could see his ears turn a shade of red

" Yuki you can take the empty seat next to Matsuno" Mr. Suga said "Matsuno, please raise your hand" Chifuyu raised his hand and Yuki walked to her seat...next to him

The rest of the class went normally, except I noticed that chifuyu and Yuki have been talking a lot

Bitch are you seriously jealous right now? No I'm not

Mhm your fist says otherwise

I look down and I realized that I was gripping my pen to the point where it was cracking. Shit, maybe I am jealous


The bell rang for break and I started packing up. Chifuyu walked to me and asked "Hey y/n is it cool if Yuki sits with us?" I looked at him then at Yuki, she smiled at me

She has a nice smile

I looked back at Chifuyu "Sure,why not" I smiled at Chifuyu and then at Yuki "Cool, should we wait for you?" Chifuyu smiled and looked at me "No it's okay,you guys go ahead" I waved then off and they left

I finished packing up my stuff and walked out of class, bumping into Hinata "Y/n there you are, I've been looking everywhere for you" she half scolded me with her hands on her hips "Didn't you think to look here first?" I asked her and she stopped talking "That's not the point-" I laughed a little and we started walking to our table. There sat Baji, Chifuyu and Yuki

Baji looked bored as Yuki and Chifuyu had a conversation just then, they spotted me and Hina coming towards them "Look who I found" Hina remarked sarcastically and I playfully rolled my eyes "Y/n thank God you're here, I've been sitting here, bored as fuck for the past 5 minutes" I laughed at Keisuke's dramatic ass "It's okay Kei I'm here now" I snorted.

"Your names Y/n right? I'm Yuki nice to meet you" she said with the fakest fucking smile if I've ever seen one "Yeah I know, you're in my class" she laughed "Oh yeah I forgot,I didn't even see you. It's like you're invisible" why did she say it like that? The fuck is her problem "Haha yeah..." I laughed it off and made eye contact with Kei and he rolled his eyes.

Break was over and we had to go to our classes again. As I was packing up my lunch Kei walked up to me "Do you and that Yuri girl have beef or some shit?" He asked me curiously "Her names Yuki and no we don't have any beef" I said "Oh then why was she being a bitch to you?" "I don't fucking know dude, I mean she seemed so nice in class but I guess she's not?"

I shrugged and waved at Kei, walking away. I walked into class and saw Yuki and Chifuyu laughing historically. I walked pass then and chifuyu didn't even notice.

Weird he always has a stupid question to ask me when we come back from break, guess not.

The rest of the day went by slower than usual which sucked because watching Yuki and Chifuyu flirt makes me want to tear my eyes out.

I walked out of the class while Chifuyu and Yuki were packing up together


"Sup Isikawa" Baji swung an arm around my neck "Hey Kei" I smiled at him "You coming to my house later to study?" He asked "Yeah but are we actually gonna study or are we just gonna end up watching a movie again?" I asked and he looked away knowing that we're just gonna end up watching movies again.

"I'll be there around 5 sounds good?" I ask and he nodded "Okay cool see you til then" I waved and walked away.


okay so I changed it so that chifuyu is in  y/n classroom. Trust me on this guys

Word count:1158


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