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The next day was a Saturday, meaning I could sleep in...or so I thought

"N/N WAKE THE FUCK UPPP" this fucking asshole, really waking me up at 11 in the goddamn morning, for what you ask? That's a good question that I would also wanna know "What in fucks name do you fuckers want?" I asked standing with my door half way open, revealing baji and chifuyu. What was soooo important that these idiots had to wake me up at 11 in the fucking morning? 

"Goodmorning sunshine, ready to start the day?" Is this bitch serious? "the fuck do you mean 'start the day' I wanna go fucking sleep damn" I say walking away from the door but leaving it open so that the two dumbasses can come in. Taking a seat on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me and half way asleep with Chifuyu sitting next to me and Keisuke on the single

"Why are you idiots awake this early anyways?" I asked, getting up from the couch to go get a cup of coffee because I literally cannot keep my eyes open "Because we wanna go t the arcade and we wanted to see if you wanna to come with us" Chifuyu replied with a small smile and pleading eyes, knowing how worked up Keisuke gets when he plays games and that job needs more than one person to calm his strong ass down but when you're dealing with a person with a small attention span like Kei, it's easy to distract him.

It's just hard getting him away from the game he keeps losing. I swear he can be so stubborn, god knows how fuyu can be so patient with him. Looking at Chifuyu for a bit longer I sigh and agree "But on one condition" I say taking a sip of coffee "What's your condition buttercup?" Keisuke asks, resting his head in the palm of his hand, looking interested on what my 'condition' is "You dumbasses pay for everything" I say taking another sip of my coffee "What?! No fair, you're coming too AND you're playing games" Keisuke objected, standing up from his seat "Excuse me, but who invited me out? also I'm broke as shit so" I state my point.. whispering the last part "Ugh fine...bitch" he pouted, slumping back into the single couch he was sitting in before

Going back upstairs with a satisfied hum and thinking about what to wear.

A few hours later...(sorry I'm too lazy to write it out)

"Well that was a tiring day" I say, letting myself fall onto the couch. Today was sooo tiring, especially with Keisuke acting like a 5 year old everything the game doesn't 'let him win' but they kept their promise and payed for everything so I can't really complain now can I?

So here we are, laying on the couch completely drained from the eventful day "Hey, you guys want anything to drink?" I ask both of them, still laying on the couch "Yes pleaseee" keisuke replied "Geeat, juice is in the fridge, I'll take apple, thanks" I say reaching for the remote and switching on the TV "Wha- no you offered" He objected and I could hear Chifuyu chuckle from the other side of the couch

"Yeah? And you wanted too didn't you? So get us some" I argue back and chifuyu giving a nod saying that he agrees with me "I- whatever" He sighed, walking to the kitchen to get our drinks "When do you not win arguments with baji-san?" Chifuyu asked, chuckling a bit. I shrugged and finally settled on a movie to watch.

2 hours later the boys decided to go home since they had a meeting to go to that night so they had to get reading for that. I had asked them multiple times if I could tag along but they always say 'no, it's too dangerous'. Dangerous my ass, they're probably scared that I'm gonna embarrass them or something

I would embarrass them...

But anyways time to go to bed and knock the fuck out


Heyyy sorry for not posting as much but I'll try to be as consistent as possible

Word count:715


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