Happy birthdayyy

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Waking up the next day to my loud ass alarm I set for school I roll over and turn it off. I reluctantly get out if bed to go downstairs to be greeted with a pillow in my face "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" my mom fucking yells while running to me and hugging me.Now I know where I get my immaturity from.

"Awww my baby's finally 15" she exclaims rubbing her cheek against mine "How do you feel?" She asked me looking proud "Right now? Tired as hell" I answered going to the fridge to get some orange juice.

"Nooo I mean how are you feeling about turning 15" my mother asked walking to the oven to take out something that smelt really good.Cake?.

"I wanna be 14 again" I joked inching closer to the cake.

"You can have some cake once your ready for school I have to decorate it anyway so go" she has I point."Yes ma'am" I say as I make my way upstairs. I walk into the bathroom getting my toothbrush,putting on toothpaste and brushing my teeth. Looking into the mirror noticing that my hair is being weirdly obedient today.Finally I'm having a good hair day.

I finally finished getting ready for school and hurried my ass downstairs. It was still pretty early but I have unfinished homework so I wanna get that done.

"The cake done?" Was the first thing I said.

"Yes y/n the cake is finished" my mother smiled at me while bringing the cake towards me singing "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to y/n. Happy birthday to you" she finished singing and I blew out the candles but I didn't wish for anything, I never do, there's no point

"Thank you mama" I say kissing her on the cheek. Getting a piece of cake I check the time. 7:38 what the fuck?? How did time go so fast?!

"Fuck" my mom looks at me then the time "Get to school I'll clean up here"picking up my bag I kiss her on the cheek again and sped out the fucking door. Damn time always going fast.

Finally reaching the gate putting my hands on my knees panting like i just ran a damn marathon. I feel a light taping on my back I look up to see Baji and Chifuyu.

"What you in a rush for?" Baji asking me looking puzzled "I didn't wanna be late duh" I said catching my breath "Late? Y/n it's 7:45 you're not late" Chifuyu said looking at me confused.

"Well Chifuyu I didn't wanna get another detention, it sucks" i said as I poked him feeling weirdly energetic.

"Why do you look extra energetic today?" Baji asked analyzing me and chifuyu nodded agreeing with baji. "Probably because of the cake" I said walking alongside baji. Both of them looked at me surprised "Cake? What cake?" Chifuyu asked me"Did you bring me some?" Baji being the greedy ass he is, he asked me. "My mom made me a cake this morning along with a shit lod of kisses" I explained looking at chifuyu.Has he always been this cute?

"And no I didn't bring you cake baji" I said looking at baji who's now pouting "Sorry" I said shrugging but not really caring. "Why'd your mom make you a cake anyways?" Chifuyu asked me laughing a little at his friend.

"Oh it's.....My birthday today" I hesitated to tell him because I hate people knowing my birthday. They always make a big deal out of it. It's annoying as fuck.

"WHAT?" Baji fucking yelled letting everyone look at us "Lower your voice baji-san you're attracting attention" Chifuyu said almost whispering. Awww.

"Y/n why didn't you tell us it was your birthday today?" Baji asked looking kind of offended "Because we just met yesterday-I don't even know your full names" I said defending myself and crossing my arms

"Baji Keisuke, Matsuno Chifuyu-now what are you gonna do for your bday?" Baji quickly introduced then changed the subject back to me. One thing I hate talking about.Myself.

"Probably just gonna eat cake and sleep all day nothing big" I said shrugging and walking away "Seriously?! What kind of person doesn't celebrate their birthday?!" Baji asked me catching up with me.Jeez can't you just let it go?!

"I just don't okay? I don't like celebrating my birthday" I snapped a bit. "Fine,fine but can we atleast come eat cake with you? We don't want you to be alone on your birthday"

Mmm are you sure it's for my birthday tho?

"Fine you can come, wait for me at the gate okay?" I said as we part ways.

I enter class to have something almost hitting my face. What is it with my face today???

"Happy birthday y/n!!" Hinata wished my while hugging me "Thank you Hina" I thanked her hugging back.

"What are you doing for your birthday today?" She asked me curiously. I shrugged telling her that baji and Chifuyu are coming over and that we're gonna eat cake and probably watch movies. "So you like them now?" She asked me making a weird face "Yeah they're not that bad" I said looking forward as the teacher came in.

///Timeskip to lunch///

I was still packing up so I told Hina to go ahead but also to save me a seat. Walking out of the class I bump into something I look up to see a familiar face. A serious one. "Oh here you are, Mikey I found her" I turned to my right to see a small blonde boy checking the class next to mine.

"Y/n hey" Mikey greeted while waving at me "Hey Mikey,draken what's up" I asked them going back to my desk to get something "I missed you it's been soo longggg" He whines while hugging me. It took me by surprise,I was caught off guard.

"You just saw me yesterday" I say as draken is trying to peel him off me. "So what?I still missed you" I shake my head,taking the money out of my bag.

Draken finally got him off me and we're currently making our way to the cafeteria. I look around trying to spot a strawberry haired girl. Found her. Sitting with two other people. They saw me too.

The three of us made our way to the table. "Hey sorry I'm late I ran into these two on the way" I point to draken and Mikey who's now clinging on my arm.

"It's okay,here"Hina said giving me my food I asked her to get me earlier. I take it thanking her and giving her money to repay her"Oh no no no you don't have to repay my" she said shaking her hands in front of her but I insisted "Think of it as a birthday present you know before I give you your actual one" she said winking at me looking weirdly excited.

"It's your birthday n/n?" Mikey asked looking at me "Yeahhh it is" I said looking at Hina with an unimpressed face,telepathically scolding her and it looks like she got the hint.

"Why didn't you tell us?!?!?" Mikey said shouting once again putting all the attention on us.

"Lower you voice damn" I said "And I didn't tell you guys-or anyone else for that matter because they always make a big deal out of it" I explained"But it's your birthday you have to do something " Mikey tried to reason with me.

"Baji and Chifuyu are coming over to my house that counts as doing something now drop the birthday subject" I'm starting to get irritated at this point "Awwww no fair I wanna go to your house too" Mikey whined

"We can't Mikey, we have to take care of something after school" draken told Mikey and he did not look too happy.

"Awww that sucks" Mikey said pouting like a 5 year old.

"Sorry"i said shrugging but not really caring
Word count:1352

Finally,it took me sooo fucking long to finish this chapter😫
I'll continue the other parts in the next chapter
Also sorry for the shitty Grammer

Bye for now<3

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