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A couple weeks have gone by and the boys have been telling me about a gang called Moebius and let me tell you, they are a bunch of crazy fucks. I also officially met Takemichi, I mean I know about him because he's Hinas' boyfriend and all but we never really talked like ever.

Making my way to the conveniece store, I feel someone run into me "Hey dude watch where you're going" Jeez people these days, but when the person turned around I saw that it was Takemichi "Oh sorry- Y/n?" He called my name, looking like he's in a rush to be somewhere "Oh hey Takemichi, where you off to? You look like you're in a rush" I asked with a puzzled look

"I have to go speak to Mikey about something" he said, looking serious "Oh cool can I tag along? I mean I'm bored anyways" I asked shrugging my shoulders and walking to the opposite direction that I was originally going "Uhh sure" Takemichi replied looking...scared? Stressed? I couldn't really tell but we started running again

A few minutes later we reached a old looking garage(?) thing with a couple of guys there, i only notice Mikey and Draken I don't really know the other guys since I've never officially met toman. The guys noticed Takemichi and I coming in..well more like they noticed us because Takemichi came in screaming, all of them looked at us but me and Mikey made eye contact for a few seconds and he gave me the 'what the fuck are you doing here' look

I got kinda bored listening to their conversation so I decided to look around, until I heard a punch being thrown and who's the person getting beaten up you ask? Well it's none other than Takemichi...obviously and not gonna lie, he was getting his ass handed to him but he wasn't backing down.

After a few more punches being thrown I was getting tired "Okay okay I think that's enough" I say stepping in between the boy named 'pah-chin' and Takemichi "Sorry to interrupt and I know it's not my place to say anything but don't you think that you should at least hear him out?" I asked looking at Mikey who was already looking at me, with a stoic face though. Not gonna lie that look kinda sent chills down my spine, he looked scary, like he wasn't taking shit from anybody. Seeing Mikey like this was kinda weird considering that he's always happy and smiling but hey, he's a gang leader so it's understandable

Pah-chin looked at me with irration and not gonna lie, it scared me a bit but I'll stand my ground.

Ew I sound like a pick me girl..

"The hell you saying?" He looked at me and kinda leaned over to my level "I'm saying that maybe you could just look into Moebius a bit more that's all" I try to reason with the boy standing in front of me, looking like he's gonna give me a black eye in a few seconds but thankfully a voice saved me.

"She's kinda right" draken stepped in and looking at Mikey "Maybe we should postpone the fight until a later date to see what these guys are really up to" Mikey, looking really offended, stood up and walked up to Draken "Are you going against me Ken-chin?" He asked with a not-so-cheerful voice and more like a I'm gonna beat the shit out of anyone who stands in my way, kind of voice

"What? No, I'm just saying maybe-"
Just then someone came in the hideout " Moebius this, Moebius about you keep our name out of your mouths yeah?" I turned around to see a man in red gang uniform with gelled up hair and a comb in his hand, not to mention that he's extremely ugly and he's smirking which makes him even more unapproachable, to put the cherry on top he had a cigarette hanging losely from his lips

"The fuck are you here Osani?" Draken asked "Just thought I'd pop in, you know say hi to the little babies, but I see you're having a play date so I'll make this quick" Mikey and pah stared at him with deadly eyes, pah-chin looking like he's gonna explode any second.

"I heard that you wanted to start a brawl with us, so I thought that I would be fun if we brought the party to you" and on queue a hundred men wearing the same uniform as Osani came in, most of them looking like they're at least in their 20's "So what do you say Mikey? Wanna dance?"

As soon as he said that, a fist came flying to his face but he swiftly dodged it, like he was expecting it to come his way. Pah-chin swung again and again until Osani got bored and decided that it was his turn to swing. And so he did, but he didn't stop. Punch after punch, until pah looked like he was gonna fall over.

"Mikey, if he continues he'll die" Takemichi cried "Stop this, please!" Takemichi begged Mikey but all he did was stand and watch.

Why was he allowing this? Why would he just stand and watch his friend get beat up by a guy 2 years older than him? Why isn't he stopping him? Wasn't he supposed to protect his friends, how come he's standing aside? All these questions ran through my head as I looked at Mikey but when I turned my head Osani had stopped hitting pah. Pah was barely conscious but he was still standing, his nose was basically broken, but he was still standing.

I was unknowingly staring at Osani until we made eye contact and saw me "What'r you looking at princess? Like what you see?" He questioned me and I instantly cringed on the inside and kept my cool on the outside "What I'm looking at is a sad what 20 year old? Who had nothing better to do with his life but go around, strutting in a red jumpsuit and beating up middle schoolers" And there it goes, my smart ass mouth not knowing when to shut the fuck up, honestly I should put some tape or something on it.

Osani stepped closer to me and looked like he wanted to tear me to shreds "What did you say girly?" He asked rhetorically and raised his fist, wanted to swing at me but was caught just in time by pah "You're fights with me asshole"


Long story short, pah stabbed Osani and we all ran away from the cops but Takemichi collapsed and is now in the hospital


Hey yall sorry I got a little lazy at the end so I hope you don't mind since you guys already know how that scene goes

See you guys in the next chapter

word count:1172


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