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'We have to talk'

I blinked at the message Takemichi had sent me. It looked serious.

Just then, I heard a knock on my door. My mom opened it

"Y/n, Takemichi's here!" she yelled from downstairs. He came quick.

I told mom to let him come upstairs, and he did. He looked kinda nervous at first, but after I gave him a glass of water and some snacks, he calmed down.

I asked him what the text was about. He stiffened up and took a deep breath before explaining.

He explained that after I left, so did Draken and Mikey. He followed them and was led to a hospital. There, they visited a victim from the Moebius incident. It was a girl, Pah-chin's friends girlfriend, the girl they raped.

She's been in a coma for five days now. He went on to say that the parents of the girls approached them and gave them shit for their daughter getting dragged into their gang shit.

Draken was the first one to apologize. Mikey, on the other hand, wasn't as cooperative. Draken made him bow down, which obviously wasn't enough for the parents.

After the parents left, they spoke. Takemichi further explained how Draken was the one keeping Mikey in place, and without him, Mikey loses himself. Hence, the terrible future Takemichi's trying to prevent.

Draken is Mikey's rock.

It's nice to know that Mikey has someone to rely on when he goes out of control. It's understandable why he lost his shit after losing his best friend, his rock.

It's because Draken wasn't here to put him in place when he did something wrong. No one stopped him. They were too scared.

The thought of Mikey becoming who he is in the future doesn't sit right with me. The thought of him being alone and hurting others, I hate it.

'Takemichi." I called, snapping him out of his own thoughts. "We have to prevent Draken from dying at all costs,"

He looked stunned at the sudden determination but was quickly replaced with an equally as determined look.

We sat there for the next two hours, discussing our plan for August 3rd. We had a couple of ideas, but they were unethical.

"Can't we just kidnap Kiyomasa and hide him for a few hours, then release him after the festival?" Takemichi thought out loud.

I shook my head. "His cronies would notice and look for him, then we would have another problem on our hands," I explained

He looked confused and asked what I meant. I explained that if we kidnapped him and he eventually got out, he'd fuck us up. He sweat dropped.

"We could go to the festival and keep an eye on him," I suggested

"We could, but wouldn't it be weird just following him around?" He questioned

"We'll just bring dates and make it a triple date thing,"

He thought and nodded, agreeing to my plan.

He stopped and looked at me, "What?" I asked

"Who are you gonna bring?" He wondered, I froze

"Uhm," I thought. "I'll think about that later. You should go. It's getting late." He nodded and headed for the door.

I waved him goodbye and went back upstairs. I thought about who I could bring with me to the festival. Chifuyu popped up, but I quickly dismissed the thought, thinking that he'll probably take Yuki.

I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I knew was that my alarm was beeping.

I groaned, getting up to get ready. My phone lit up, showing a message that came through. It was Keisuke saying that he couldn't walk with me this morning. I replied with an 'okay' before going to shower.

Walking out and locking the door behind me, I made my way to school. It was a calm morning. It was nice.

"Hey, n/n," a familiar voice called, making me turn around

"Hey, Sano, hi Draken." I smiled as they approached.

Mikey raised an eyebrow at the way I greeted him. "Sano?" He questioned

I nodded and continued walking to school, the blonde duo following behind. I wondered where they were going this early in the morning. The don't even go to school so what could the be up to.

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